mobility Archives - Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:29:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 mobility Archives - 32 32 3 Moves to Stretch and Strengthen Your Hips for Better Mobility Sun, 04 Jun 2023 08:19:00 +0000 Strong and flexible hips are vital for maintaining mobility and preventing injuries, especially as we age. Whether you’re an athlete, spend long hours working at a desk, or simply looking to improve your hip health overall, incorporating targeted stretches and exercises into your daily routine can yield significant benefits. Here are some of the most […]

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Strong and flexible hips are vital for maintaining mobility and preventing injuries, especially as we age. Whether you’re an athlete, spend long hours working at a desk, or simply looking to improve your hip health overall, incorporating targeted stretches and exercises into your daily routine can yield significant benefits. Here are some of the most effective moves to improve hip flexibility and stability.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Sitting for extended periods can lead to tight hip flexors, causing discomfort and a limited range of motion. Stretching these muscles regularly can help to counteract long hours spent sitting at a desk and relieve tension. Begin by kneeling on one knee with the opposite foot positioned in front of you at a 90-degree angle. Lean forward into the stretch, feeling a gentle pull in the front of your hip. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Glute Bridge

Strengthening the glutes is crucial for hip stability and can also help to prevent lower back pain. One of our favorite moves to target these muscles is glute bridges. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders, making sure to keep your glute muscles engaged. Hold for a few seconds before slowly lowering back down. Aim for 10-15 repetitions, gradually increasing the number as you gain strength.

Pigeon Pose

Pigeon pose is a yoga posture that deeply stretches the outer hips, glutes, and hip rotators. Begin in a tabletop position, then bring one knee forward and place it behind the corresponding wrist. Extend the opposite leg straight back, keeping your hips squared. Slowly lower your upper body toward the floor, feeling a gentle stretch in the hip of the extended leg. Hold for 30-60 seconds and repeat on the other side.

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Follow Heart + Bones Yoga for Sustainable Movement Tips Tue, 28 Feb 2023 10:20:33 +0000 Sick of following yoga influencers who only show visually striking positions that feel unattainable? Heart + Bones Yoga is the perfect alternative, offering “Uncomplicated Yoga for Everyday People”. Founded by Brea Johnson, this inclusive yoga community offers courses, videos, and guidance to create a sustainable yoga practice, focused on mobility, joint health, and self-acceptance. Accessibility […]

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Sick of following yoga influencers who only show visually striking positions that feel unattainable? Heart + Bones Yoga is the perfect alternative, offering “Uncomplicated Yoga for Everyday People”. Founded by Brea Johnson, this inclusive yoga community offers courses, videos, and guidance to create a sustainable yoga practice, focused on mobility, joint health, and self-acceptance.


Heart + Bones Yoga aims to create inclusive yoga videos that are suitable for all bodies. That means there are plenty of accessible options, tips, and adjustments available so that you can follow a routine suitable for your needs and abilities.

Healthy Movement

Heart + Bones Yoga is a yoga community informed by deep knowledge of anatomy and the biomechanics of the body. It combines traditional yoga poses with modern movement science for a smart practice that will teach you to care for your body, avoid injury and improve wellbeing.

Yoga Teacher Education

Heart + Bones Yoga also offers yoga teacher training to experienced and new yoga teachers looking to expand their knowledge. They have tons of resources, an online studio, a podcast, and a respected yoga teacher development course.

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Why You Want to Include the Cossack Squat in Your Strength Routine Thu, 26 Jan 2023 08:52:00 +0000 If you are looking for ways to mix up your lower body exercises, then it’s time to add in the Cossack squat. This is a low-impact, mobility and strength exercise that will work wonders for your hips and lower back. The Cossack squat is a lateral exercise that you do by squatting down on one […]

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If you are looking for ways to mix up your lower body exercises, then it’s time to add in the Cossack squat. This is a low-impact, mobility and strength exercise that will work wonders for your hips and lower back. The Cossack squat is a lateral exercise that you do by squatting down on one leg while extending the other leg out to the side.


Whilst most lower body exercises work on moving your body forward or backward, not many of them work on the frontal plane of motion. Since the Cossack squat involves moving side to side, it can help prevent muscle imbalances and train the body in different directions that what it is used to with squats and lunges.

The Cossack squat also supports hip mobility as it opens and strengthens the hip joint. As you go down and up, you flex and extend the hip on the working leg. Your hip adductors on the extended leg will also receive a good stretch with the movement.

This squat will also keep your joints safe as it is really low impact and is done mostly with body weight. It also works on all your lower body muscle groups, especially the gluteus medius and your obliques.

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4 Yoga Moves to Improve Your Flexibility Sat, 17 Dec 2022 12:08:00 +0000 If you have been feeling a little stiff recently or you want to improve your mobility and flexibility these four yoga moves can be practiced daily. They don’t take long to do and the results can be seen in a matter of weeks. These stretches will target every part of your body and can be […]

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If you have been feeling a little stiff recently or you want to improve your mobility and flexibility these four yoga moves can be practiced daily. They don’t take long to do and the results can be seen in a matter of weeks. These stretches will target every part of your body and can be done with some deep breathing to help you feel calm and less stressed.

Child’s Pose

This pose is great for your back, hips, thighs, and ankles. Start in a seated position with your knees wide and the toes together, with your butt resting on your heels. Walk your hands forward on the mat, until your arms are straight and the forearms are on the floor. Lower the torso so it rests on the thighs and the forehead should be on the mat. Hold for at least 30 seconds.

Downward Facing Dog

The downward-facing dog is great for your lower back, hips, and hamstrings. Start on all fours and tuck your toes and lift the hips into the air. Straighten the legs and shift the weight back into your feet so you are in an upside-down ‘V’ shape. Hold for 20-30 seconds, keeping the weight balanced between both arms and legs.

High Lunge

The high lunge hold is great for the lower body. Start with your feet together at the front of the yoga mat and fold forward. Place your fingers on the floor and step the left foot back. Lift the torso up until the shoulders are above the hips. If you are more flexible you can do a backend, if not just keep the torse straight and engaged, arms straight up to the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds and do the same on the right side.

Butterfly Pose

This pose is a great stretch for the inner and outer thighs and the lower back. Sit on the mat with the soles of your feet together and the knees out to the side. Holding your feet start to lean your upper body forward towards the mat and go as low as you can. If you can reach your forehead to the mat without any pain then stay there if not then you can use a block or a rolled-up towel to lean on. Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

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The Differences Between Yoga and Pilates Fri, 16 Dec 2022 14:36:23 +0000 Both yoga and pilates are low-impact workouts and are great for all ages and gentle on your joints. They reduce the risk of injury, increase awareness of your body, and work on your breathing. But what are the differences between these two routines? The Differences While breath work is important in both yoga and pilates […]

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Both yoga and pilates are low-impact workouts and are great for all ages and gentle on your joints. They reduce the risk of injury, increase awareness of your body, and work on your breathing. But what are the differences between these two routines?

The Differences

While breath work is important in both yoga and pilates the way you breathe in yoga is opposite to how you breathe in pilates. In yoga, you engage your core to inhale and in pilates, you engage the core on the exhale.

Yoga has more variety than pilates, with vinyasa and Hatha, and it is down to the various flows and speeds. In most yoga classes you will flow through poses and use your body weight as resistance, focusing on balance and flexibility. Whereas pilates, in general, is more fast-paced and you can use resistance bands, an exercise ball, a roller, or the reformer bed.

The Benefits

Yoga is good for the mind and body and supports more body awareness, strength and flexibility. Yoga breathing can help you to manage stress and can help to decrease inflammation in the body.

Pilates engages all your muscles and strengthens the core like no other workout. With a stronger core, you will improve your posture and start to sit straighter, and feel less tension in the neck and shoulders. You will feel stronger all over and will help you to feel more relaxed in your day-to-day life.

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Roll Out Your Body Before You Workout Tue, 06 Dec 2022 10:02:00 +0000 Have you ever arrived at your workout so stiff, you have no idea how you are going to endure an hour of exercise? If so, the best thing for you to do is to include a foam roller in your warm-up, to stretch the muscles and get you mobile. The roller can reduce trigger point […]

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Have you ever arrived at your workout so stiff, you have no idea how you are going to endure an hour of exercise? If so, the best thing for you to do is to include a foam roller in your warm-up, to stretch the muscles and get you mobile. The roller can reduce trigger point sensitivity, improve blood circulation and range of motion when combined with mobility exercises.

Here are some warm-up exercises for you to do with the roller.

Back of the Shoulders

On your hands and knees, with your feet together and your knees wider than hip-width apart, put the roller between the left arm and knee. Straighten the right arm and place your wrist on the roller (so your hand is facing up) and roll underneath the left arm. You’re sure to feel a nice stretch in the back of the shoulders. Do both sides five times.

Upper and Lower Back

Lie on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place the roller under your shoulder blades and roll up and down your back, by lifting the glutes off the mat and using the legs to help you. This is great for neck tension and any lower back pain.


For those who love to deadlift but don’t enjoy the stiff hamstrings after, this is for you. Sit on a mat and place the roller underneath one or both of your hamstrings. Your entire lower body should be off the mat and putting all the weight on the roller, and your arms will be helping you to back and forth.

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How to Exercise After a Long Break Sat, 03 Dec 2022 10:17:00 +0000 Sometimes life gets in the way, and before you know it, you haven’t been to the gym in 2 months. Work, family life, stress, and lack of sleep often occupy all of our time. If you want to start working out again, but don’t know where to start, here’s a few tips to get you […]

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Sometimes life gets in the way, and before you know it, you haven’t been to the gym in 2 months. Work, family life, stress, and lack of sleep often occupy all of our time. If you want to start working out again, but don’t know where to start, here’s a few tips to get you back in the gym.

Start Slow

You won’t be able to go from zero to five days a week without burning out again. The best way to start is to do one or two short workouts a week and start adding more time each week. There was a reason you stopped going in the first place and you don’t want to go back to that place, especially if it was overtraining. You want to go back slowly and give your muscles a chance to recover after every workout.

Use Your Time Wisely

So many people go to the gym to say they have been to the gym, but don’t progress. If you want to make the most from your workouts, follow a plan that is designed for you and your goals. If you have time for two workouts per week, make them full body.

Warm Up

One of the main reasons people are put off from returning to exercise is the painful muscles after. If you have taken a long break, you will need to make sure to do a good 15-minute dynamic warm-up, with mobility exercises included. Don’t go into your first workout straight away—make sure that everything is warmed up before you start, and this will prevent the pain after.

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Why Mobility Exercises are Important Before Every Workout Sat, 22 Feb 2020 11:36:00 +0000 Mobility exercises are becoming a very important part of working out. Moving your joints through their full range of motion before a workout can help to keep your joints healthy and reduce the risk of injury. There are now entire classes dedicated to improving mobility and stability. Taking 15 minutes before your workout to go […]

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Mobility exercises are becoming a very important part of working out. Moving your joints through their full range of motion before a workout can help to keep your joints healthy and reduce the risk of injury. There are now entire classes dedicated to improving mobility and stability. Taking 15 minutes before your workout to go through a range of mobility exercises can really help your body to function optimally. You’ll see a huge difference, just by taking that time 2-3 times a week, in your alignment, posture and how you move.

Add these exercises to your warm-up to maintain and increase your hip, shoulder and spine mobility and to boost your flexibility and strength over time.

Cat-Cow Pose

Start on all fours, the wrists under the shoulder and knees under the hips and spine neutral. Slowly arch the spin, lifting the chest and tailbone and lowering the bellybutton toward the ground. Draw the belly button up towards the spine to round the back and drop the tailbone toward the floor. Bring your chin into the chest. Do 8 reps.

Frog Stretch

Start on all fours, wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Drop down on to the forearms and slowly slide the knees outwards as far as possible with knees bent at 90 degrees. Stay there for 30 seconds.

Scapula Push-Ups

Start in a high plank position. Pull the shoulder blades together, while keeping the spine neutral and elbows straight. Actively press hands into the floor to open the shoulder blades as wide as possible. Do 8 reps.

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ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> mobility Archives - Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:29:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 mobility Archives - 32 32 3 Moves to Stretch and Strengthen Your Hips for Better Mobility Sun, 04 Jun 2023 08:19:00 +0000 Strong and flexible hips are vital for maintaining mobility and preventing injuries, especially as we age. Whether you’re an athlete, spend long hours working at a desk, or simply looking to improve your hip health overall, incorporating targeted stretches and exercises into your daily routine can yield significant benefits. Here are some of the most […]

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Strong and flexible hips are vital for maintaining mobility and preventing injuries, especially as we age. Whether you’re an athlete, spend long hours working at a desk, or simply looking to improve your hip health overall, incorporating targeted stretches and exercises into your daily routine can yield significant benefits. Here are some of the most effective moves to improve hip flexibility and stability.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Sitting for extended periods can lead to tight hip flexors, causing discomfort and a limited range of motion. Stretching these muscles regularly can help to counteract long hours spent sitting at a desk and relieve tension. Begin by kneeling on one knee with the opposite foot positioned in front of you at a 90-degree angle. Lean forward into the stretch, feeling a gentle pull in the front of your hip. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Glute Bridge

Strengthening the glutes is crucial for hip stability and can also help to prevent lower back pain. One of our favorite moves to target these muscles is glute bridges. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders, making sure to keep your glute muscles engaged. Hold for a few seconds before slowly lowering back down. Aim for 10-15 repetitions, gradually increasing the number as you gain strength.

Pigeon Pose

Pigeon pose is a yoga posture that deeply stretches the outer hips, glutes, and hip rotators. Begin in a tabletop position, then bring one knee forward and place it behind the corresponding wrist. Extend the opposite leg straight back, keeping your hips squared. Slowly lower your upper body toward the floor, feeling a gentle stretch in the hip of the extended leg. Hold for 30-60 seconds and repeat on the other side.

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Follow Heart + Bones Yoga for Sustainable Movement Tips Tue, 28 Feb 2023 10:20:33 +0000 Sick of following yoga influencers who only show visually striking positions that feel unattainable? Heart + Bones Yoga is the perfect alternative, offering “Uncomplicated Yoga for Everyday People”. Founded by Brea Johnson, this inclusive yoga community offers courses, videos, and guidance to create a sustainable yoga practice, focused on mobility, joint health, and self-acceptance. Accessibility […]

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Sick of following yoga influencers who only show visually striking positions that feel unattainable? Heart + Bones Yoga is the perfect alternative, offering “Uncomplicated Yoga for Everyday People”. Founded by Brea Johnson, this inclusive yoga community offers courses, videos, and guidance to create a sustainable yoga practice, focused on mobility, joint health, and self-acceptance.


Heart + Bones Yoga aims to create inclusive yoga videos that are suitable for all bodies. That means there are plenty of accessible options, tips, and adjustments available so that you can follow a routine suitable for your needs and abilities.

Healthy Movement

Heart + Bones Yoga is a yoga community informed by deep knowledge of anatomy and the biomechanics of the body. It combines traditional yoga poses with modern movement science for a smart practice that will teach you to care for your body, avoid injury and improve wellbeing.

Yoga Teacher Education

Heart + Bones Yoga also offers yoga teacher training to experienced and new yoga teachers looking to expand their knowledge. They have tons of resources, an online studio, a podcast, and a respected yoga teacher development course.

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Why You Want to Include the Cossack Squat in Your Strength Routine Thu, 26 Jan 2023 08:52:00 +0000 If you are looking for ways to mix up your lower body exercises, then it’s time to add in the Cossack squat. This is a low-impact, mobility and strength exercise that will work wonders for your hips and lower back. The Cossack squat is a lateral exercise that you do by squatting down on one […]

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If you are looking for ways to mix up your lower body exercises, then it’s time to add in the Cossack squat. This is a low-impact, mobility and strength exercise that will work wonders for your hips and lower back. The Cossack squat is a lateral exercise that you do by squatting down on one leg while extending the other leg out to the side.


Whilst most lower body exercises work on moving your body forward or backward, not many of them work on the frontal plane of motion. Since the Cossack squat involves moving side to side, it can help prevent muscle imbalances and train the body in different directions that what it is used to with squats and lunges.

The Cossack squat also supports hip mobility as it opens and strengthens the hip joint. As you go down and up, you flex and extend the hip on the working leg. Your hip adductors on the extended leg will also receive a good stretch with the movement.

This squat will also keep your joints safe as it is really low impact and is done mostly with body weight. It also works on all your lower body muscle groups, especially the gluteus medius and your obliques.

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4 Yoga Moves to Improve Your Flexibility Sat, 17 Dec 2022 12:08:00 +0000 If you have been feeling a little stiff recently or you want to improve your mobility and flexibility these four yoga moves can be practiced daily. They don’t take long to do and the results can be seen in a matter of weeks. These stretches will target every part of your body and can be […]

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If you have been feeling a little stiff recently or you want to improve your mobility and flexibility these four yoga moves can be practiced daily. They don’t take long to do and the results can be seen in a matter of weeks. These stretches will target every part of your body and can be done with some deep breathing to help you feel calm and less stressed.

Child’s Pose

This pose is great for your back, hips, thighs, and ankles. Start in a seated position with your knees wide and the toes together, with your butt resting on your heels. Walk your hands forward on the mat, until your arms are straight and the forearms are on the floor. Lower the torso so it rests on the thighs and the forehead should be on the mat. Hold for at least 30 seconds.

Downward Facing Dog

The downward-facing dog is great for your lower back, hips, and hamstrings. Start on all fours and tuck your toes and lift the hips into the air. Straighten the legs and shift the weight back into your feet so you are in an upside-down ‘V’ shape. Hold for 20-30 seconds, keeping the weight balanced between both arms and legs.

High Lunge

The high lunge hold is great for the lower body. Start with your feet together at the front of the yoga mat and fold forward. Place your fingers on the floor and step the left foot back. Lift the torso up until the shoulders are above the hips. If you are more flexible you can do a backend, if not just keep the torse straight and engaged, arms straight up to the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds and do the same on the right side.

Butterfly Pose

This pose is a great stretch for the inner and outer thighs and the lower back. Sit on the mat with the soles of your feet together and the knees out to the side. Holding your feet start to lean your upper body forward towards the mat and go as low as you can. If you can reach your forehead to the mat without any pain then stay there if not then you can use a block or a rolled-up towel to lean on. Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

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The Differences Between Yoga and Pilates Fri, 16 Dec 2022 14:36:23 +0000 Both yoga and pilates are low-impact workouts and are great for all ages and gentle on your joints. They reduce the risk of injury, increase awareness of your body, and work on your breathing. But what are the differences between these two routines? The Differences While breath work is important in both yoga and pilates […]

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Both yoga and pilates are low-impact workouts and are great for all ages and gentle on your joints. They reduce the risk of injury, increase awareness of your body, and work on your breathing. But what are the differences between these two routines?

The Differences

While breath work is important in both yoga and pilates the way you breathe in yoga is opposite to how you breathe in pilates. In yoga, you engage your core to inhale and in pilates, you engage the core on the exhale.

Yoga has more variety than pilates, with vinyasa and Hatha, and it is down to the various flows and speeds. In most yoga classes you will flow through poses and use your body weight as resistance, focusing on balance and flexibility. Whereas pilates, in general, is more fast-paced and you can use resistance bands, an exercise ball, a roller, or the reformer bed.

The Benefits

Yoga is good for the mind and body and supports more body awareness, strength and flexibility. Yoga breathing can help you to manage stress and can help to decrease inflammation in the body.

Pilates engages all your muscles and strengthens the core like no other workout. With a stronger core, you will improve your posture and start to sit straighter, and feel less tension in the neck and shoulders. You will feel stronger all over and will help you to feel more relaxed in your day-to-day life.

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Roll Out Your Body Before You Workout Tue, 06 Dec 2022 10:02:00 +0000 Have you ever arrived at your workout so stiff, you have no idea how you are going to endure an hour of exercise? If so, the best thing for you to do is to include a foam roller in your warm-up, to stretch the muscles and get you mobile. The roller can reduce trigger point […]

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Have you ever arrived at your workout so stiff, you have no idea how you are going to endure an hour of exercise? If so, the best thing for you to do is to include a foam roller in your warm-up, to stretch the muscles and get you mobile. The roller can reduce trigger point sensitivity, improve blood circulation and range of motion when combined with mobility exercises.

Here are some warm-up exercises for you to do with the roller.

Back of the Shoulders

On your hands and knees, with your feet together and your knees wider than hip-width apart, put the roller between the left arm and knee. Straighten the right arm and place your wrist on the roller (so your hand is facing up) and roll underneath the left arm. You’re sure to feel a nice stretch in the back of the shoulders. Do both sides five times.

Upper and Lower Back

Lie on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place the roller under your shoulder blades and roll up and down your back, by lifting the glutes off the mat and using the legs to help you. This is great for neck tension and any lower back pain.


For those who love to deadlift but don’t enjoy the stiff hamstrings after, this is for you. Sit on a mat and place the roller underneath one or both of your hamstrings. Your entire lower body should be off the mat and putting all the weight on the roller, and your arms will be helping you to back and forth.

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How to Exercise After a Long Break Sat, 03 Dec 2022 10:17:00 +0000 Sometimes life gets in the way, and before you know it, you haven’t been to the gym in 2 months. Work, family life, stress, and lack of sleep often occupy all of our time. If you want to start working out again, but don’t know where to start, here’s a few tips to get you […]

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Sometimes life gets in the way, and before you know it, you haven’t been to the gym in 2 months. Work, family life, stress, and lack of sleep often occupy all of our time. If you want to start working out again, but don’t know where to start, here’s a few tips to get you back in the gym.

Start Slow

You won’t be able to go from zero to five days a week without burning out again. The best way to start is to do one or two short workouts a week and start adding more time each week. There was a reason you stopped going in the first place and you don’t want to go back to that place, especially if it was overtraining. You want to go back slowly and give your muscles a chance to recover after every workout.

Use Your Time Wisely

So many people go to the gym to say they have been to the gym, but don’t progress. If you want to make the most from your workouts, follow a plan that is designed for you and your goals. If you have time for two workouts per week, make them full body.

Warm Up

One of the main reasons people are put off from returning to exercise is the painful muscles after. If you have taken a long break, you will need to make sure to do a good 15-minute dynamic warm-up, with mobility exercises included. Don’t go into your first workout straight away—make sure that everything is warmed up before you start, and this will prevent the pain after.

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Why Mobility Exercises are Important Before Every Workout Sat, 22 Feb 2020 11:36:00 +0000 Mobility exercises are becoming a very important part of working out. Moving your joints through their full range of motion before a workout can help to keep your joints healthy and reduce the risk of injury. There are now entire classes dedicated to improving mobility and stability. Taking 15 minutes before your workout to go […]

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Mobility exercises are becoming a very important part of working out. Moving your joints through their full range of motion before a workout can help to keep your joints healthy and reduce the risk of injury. There are now entire classes dedicated to improving mobility and stability. Taking 15 minutes before your workout to go through a range of mobility exercises can really help your body to function optimally. You’ll see a huge difference, just by taking that time 2-3 times a week, in your alignment, posture and how you move.

Add these exercises to your warm-up to maintain and increase your hip, shoulder and spine mobility and to boost your flexibility and strength over time.

Cat-Cow Pose

Start on all fours, the wrists under the shoulder and knees under the hips and spine neutral. Slowly arch the spin, lifting the chest and tailbone and lowering the bellybutton toward the ground. Draw the belly button up towards the spine to round the back and drop the tailbone toward the floor. Bring your chin into the chest. Do 8 reps.

Frog Stretch

Start on all fours, wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Drop down on to the forearms and slowly slide the knees outwards as far as possible with knees bent at 90 degrees. Stay there for 30 seconds.

Scapula Push-Ups

Start in a high plank position. Pull the shoulder blades together, while keeping the spine neutral and elbows straight. Actively press hands into the floor to open the shoulder blades as wide as possible. Do 8 reps.

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