health tips Archives - Tue, 30 Apr 2024 12:03:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health tips Archives - 32 32 Are Ice Baths More Than Just a Fitness Fad? Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:48:00 +0000 From Olympic athletes to everyday gym-goers, ice baths have become all the rage. But while cold exposure therapy is sometimes used as a physical remedy to alleviate pain with some doctors even recommending it, are there true benefits to ice baths that make them more than just a fitness fad? Here are the main benefits […]

The post Are Ice Baths More Than Just a Fitness Fad? appeared first on

From Olympic athletes to everyday gym-goers, ice baths have become all the rage. But while cold exposure therapy is sometimes used as a physical remedy to alleviate pain with some doctors even recommending it, are there true benefits to ice baths that make them more than just a fitness fad? Here are the main benefits that ice baths have to offer.

Pain Management

While few studies on the medical benefits of ice baths have been done, they are shown to help alleviate pain and inflammation given that they are a form of cold exposure therapy, otherwise known as cryotherapy. This is particularly helpful if ever you feel sore after exercise or perhaps have an injury.

Immune System and Cardiovascular Health

One study published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health showed that immersion into cold water can potentially not only boost your immune system but also improve cardiovascular health and insulin resistance. While more studies will be required in order to uncover more information, this at least shows that ice baths are not detrimental to you.

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Signs That You Need to Stop Exercising Fri, 15 Mar 2024 08:02:00 +0000 While exercise is vital to maintain your well-being, it’s important to remember that there is such a thing as overexerting yourself. In fact, sometimes, too much exercise can threaten your health. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation you are unfamiliar with, then here are some signs that you need to stop exercising. You […]

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While exercise is vital to maintain your well-being, it’s important to remember that there is such a thing as overexerting yourself. In fact, sometimes, too much exercise can threaten your health. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation you are unfamiliar with, then here are some signs that you need to stop exercising.

You Feel Chest Pain

Although you shouldn’t jump to conclusions, chest pain could be a sign of heart disease. Nausea, headaches, and jaw pain are other potential signs. Regardless of your specific symptoms, it’s always a good idea to consult a medical professional for treatment or advice.

Chills or Blurred Vision

These kinds of strange feelings could be a sign of a heat stroke. If your body temperature is extremely high, then your body may be trying to cool itself down due to its irregular temperature spike. Cease your workout immediately and seek medical help.

Stiff Muscles

Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is fairly common after exercise, often happening around 24 hours after exercising a muscle group that hasn’t been worked in a while. Still, it’s best not to exert the sore area if you still experience DOMS, instead focusing on other muscles while allowing the tender area to rest and rebuild.

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Should You Drink Coffee When You’re Sick? Sat, 02 Dec 2023 08:51:00 +0000 For many of us, a hot cup of coffee is an essential part of our morning routine, providing the boost of energy we need to kick-start our day. Most of the time, that’s all well and good, but the question of whether it’s advisable to drink coffee gets a bit more complicated when we’re feeling […]

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For many of us, a hot cup of coffee is an essential part of our morning routine, providing the boost of energy we need to kick-start our day. Most of the time, that’s all well and good, but the question of whether it’s advisable to drink coffee gets a bit more complicated when we’re feeling under the weather. Coffee does contain small amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, and has been shown to provide a variety of health benefits when consumed in moderation, but do the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to the common cold? Read on to find out. 

Dehydration concerns

It’s no secret that the caffeine in coffee can improve alertness and provide a temporary energy boost. However, caffeine also tends to have a dehydrating effect, and when we’re sick, our bodies are already prone to dehydration due to fever and increased mucus production. If you’re feeling dehydrated, it may be better to skip coffee. If you do decide to have a cup, be sure to drink plenty of water to counter the dehydrating effects. 

Aggravates digestive issues

Caffeine stimulates the production of stomach acid, which can exacerbate existing digestive problems like acid reflux or an upset stomach. The acidity of coffee may also irritate an already sensitive gastrointestinal tract, leading to further discomfort and a longer recovery time. If your symptoms include stomach issues, you’re probably better off swapping your coffee for some herbal tea until you feel better. 

Interferes with sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s healing process by allowing our immune systems to function properly, and consuming coffee too late in the day can disrupt your sleep patterns. Caffeine has also been shown to suppress the immune system when consumed in large quantities, hindering the body’s ability to efficiently fight off infections.

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The Pros & Cons of Seeing a Health Coach Mon, 06 Nov 2023 16:41:00 +0000 Over the last few years, health coaching has taken off as a popular career choice within the wellness industry, and millions of patients are also turning to health coaches as a way to fill in the gaps in their traditional healthcare plans. Most health coaches are certified professionals who can offer expertise in areas such […]

The post The Pros & Cons of Seeing a Health Coach appeared first on

Over the last few years, health coaching has taken off as a popular career choice within the wellness industry, and millions of patients are also turning to health coaches as a way to fill in the gaps in their traditional healthcare plans. Most health coaches are certified professionals who can offer expertise in areas such as fitness and nutrition, but working with a health coach is not without certain drawbacks. If you’re considering working with a health coach but aren’t sure whether it’s right for you, read on to learn more about some of the main pros and cons.

Personalized Guidance

Because health coaches are versed in a variety of health-related topics, they’re able to offer more personalized guidance than professionals such as doctors, who often specialize in one area. This type of individualized approach can make it easier to look at your lifestyle as a whole and take the necessary steps to work toward your goals. 


One of the most significant cons to seeing a health coach is the cost. Health coaches can be expensive, and as the industry is fairly new, insurance coverage may vary depending on your plan and the services you go for. It’s also important to consider that the effectiveness of a health coach will largely depend on their competency and experience and choose your coach accordingly. 


Health coaching often involves regular sessions and goal-tracking, which can be quite time consuming and not necessarily feasible for people with busy schedules. If you’re willing and able to commit, this type of structured approach can be quite helpful when compared to going it alone. Otherwise, working with a health coach may ultimately be a waste of your time and money.

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What is Body Positivity? 3 Ways to Embrace the Movement Wed, 25 Oct 2023 16:06:00 +0000 The last few years have marked a notable improvement in terms of diversity in media and advertising. In conjunction, a movement founded on the notion that we should all accept and embrace our bodies, regardless of shape, size, or appearance, has begun to take hold. If you’re looking to improve your relationship with your body, […]

The post What is Body Positivity? 3 Ways to Embrace the Movement appeared first on

The last few years have marked a notable improvement in terms of diversity in media and advertising. In conjunction, a movement founded on the notion that we should all accept and embrace our bodies, regardless of shape, size, or appearance, has begun to take hold. If you’re looking to improve your relationship with your body, read on for some tips on how to embrace the body positivity movement.

Be Kind to Yourself

The journey toward body positivity starts with self-compassion. Instead of fixating on what you perceive as flaws or comparing yourself to others, try to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you’d offer to a friend. Everyone has imperfections—inside and out—and they don’t define your worth. Focus on your strengths and the qualities that make you unique instead.

Surround Yourself With Positivity

Your environment plays a major role in shaping your body image, especially when it comes to the content you consume. Follow accounts and creators that share body-positive messages that make you feel empowered, and unfollow or mute accounts that trigger negative self-perceptions. In daily life, try to surround yourself with people who uplift you and appreciate your inner qualities over physical appearance.

Practice Self-Care

The mind and body are deeply connected, and engaging in activities that make you feel good physically will translate into improved self-image and wellbeing. Aim to do something to care for your body every day, whether it be practicing yoga, going for a walk, or taking a bath with your favorite essential oils.

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What Exactly is Sleep Hygiene? Tips For Getting Your Best Night, Every Night Sun, 24 Sep 2023 08:36:00 +0000 Sleep is essential for both mental and physical health, but getting good-quality shut-eye is often easier said than done. Stress, screens, and irregular schedules can have a significant impact on the body’s natural sleep-wake cycles, making it difficult to wind down and get the deep rest we need. While some things will always be out […]

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Sleep is essential for both mental and physical health, but getting good-quality shut-eye is often easier said than done. Stress, screens, and irregular schedules can have a significant impact on the body’s natural sleep-wake cycles, making it difficult to wind down and get the deep rest we need. While some things will always be out of our control, learning to practice proper sleep hygiene can mean the difference between waking up on the wrong side of the bed versus being rested and ready to tackle the day.

Consistency is Key

Of all of the practices that contribute to proper sleep hygiene, the most important of all is sticking to a regular sleep routine. Our bodies operate according to an internal clock known as the circadian rhythm, and keeping consistent bed and wake-up times, even on weekends, is essential for keeping this rhythm regulated.

Consider Your Environment

Create an environment conducive to high-quality sleep by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Set your thermostat to around 65°F, use blackout curtains, and place cell phones and other electronics in another room. If you live in a city or noisy neighborhood, use white noise to drown out disruptive sounds from the outside. Staying comfortable can also help to prevent any unexpected wakeups throughout the night, so consider investing in a high-quality mattress and pillows that support proper spinal alignment.

Eat Right & Exercise

If you’re struggling to fall asleep at bedtime or regularly feel tired in the afternoons, don’t overlook the impact of exercise. Physical activity can promote better sleep by relieving stress and helping to regulate our circadian rhythm, but it’s best to keep strenuous workouts to at least an hour before bed. In the same vein, avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evenings, as both have been shown to interfere with sleep quality.

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Why the Heat Makes Us So Tired & How to Deal With It Sun, 10 Sep 2023 08:38:00 +0000 Summer may be coming to a close, but, unfortunately, it seems as if the heat won’t be going anywhere just yet. While we’ve certainly enjoyed all of the beach days, barbecues, and camping trips that the weather over the last few months has allowed for, we also can’t deny that scorching hot days have a […]

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Summer may be coming to a close, but, unfortunately, it seems as if the heat won’t be going anywhere just yet. While we’ve certainly enjoyed all of the beach days, barbecues, and camping trips that the weather over the last few months has allowed for, we also can’t deny that scorching hot days have a tendency to leave us feeling seriously drained. Well, it turns out there’s a reason that the heat makes us tired, and, fortunately, there are a few simple ways to deal with it. Read on for a few of our best tips. 

Why the Heat Makes Us Tired

When the thermometer climbs, our bodies have to work overtime to keep our internal temperature regulated. The main way that this is achieved is through sweating, which carries heat away from the center of the body through our skin. However, this process consumes a significant amount of energy and causes us to lose fluids, decreasing blood volume and making it more difficult for the heart to circulate blood and oxygen. All of these factors combined are a recipe for fatigue.

How to Beat the Heat

Stay Hydrated: Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to replenish lost fluids and give your body the support it needs to regulate your temperature more efficiently. The best way to do this is to drink small amounts of water at frequent intervals—aim for about 24-32 oz. per hour.

Be Strategic: Try to plan your schedule so that you’re able to avoid performing any strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day. Save outdoor tasks for mornings or evenings when the temperature tends to be lower and the sun is less intense.

Keep Cool: Use fans, air conditioning, and cool showers to lower your body temperature throughout the day. Stay in the shade when working outdoors, and if you start to feel ill, seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

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3 Tips for Staying True to Your Diet Sun, 23 Jul 2023 16:34:00 +0000 Staying true to your diet is one of the hardest things to do, especially if you’re entrenched in a bad habit of eating certain things. There’s nothing wrong with struggling, because it’s quite human at the end of the day. The last thing you need to do is worry, because there are solutions right around […]

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Staying true to your diet is one of the hardest things to do, especially if you’re entrenched in a bad habit of eating certain things. There’s nothing wrong with struggling, because it’s quite human at the end of the day. The last thing you need to do is worry, because there are solutions right around the corner. Here are three tips for staying true to your diet.

Remember the End Goal

It is true that we need to focus on every step of the journey, but it’s also true that the journey can be made easier if we remind ourselves why we’re doing it in the first place. Remember your ultimate goal, and allow that to guide you through the tough times.

Have Someone Hold You Accountable

Not unlike a workout buddy, having someone to hold you accountable can sometimes be the very thing that helps you follow through on a mission. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a trainer, they can be the voice of “tough love”—but also the support—you need throughout the struggles.

Love Yourself

This may be the most important tip of all. Oftentimes when we cheat on our diets, we may start to beat ourselves up about it—but this is the last thing you should do. This will only make things worse. You need to love yourself and remind yourself that you’re not perfect, and that’s okay.

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Why Breathing Properly Could Be the Key to Improving Your Workouts Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:47:00 +0000 It’s easy to think that the way we breathe isn’t a big deal when it comes to exercise. After all, we do it automatically, right? While this is partly true, you may be surprised to learn that breathing properly can actually make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your workouts. By learning the correct […]

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It’s easy to think that the way we breathe isn’t a big deal when it comes to exercise. After all, we do it automatically, right? While this is partly true, you may be surprised to learn that breathing properly can actually make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your workouts. By learning the correct way to breathe, you can increase your endurance, reduce fatigue, and even prevent injuries. Read on to learn a bit more about how to breathe properly during workouts and why it matters. 

Breathe Through Your Nose

Breathing through your nose allows your body to take in oxygen more efficiently and helps to filter out impurities in the air. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which can lead to improved endurance, reduced fatigue, and lower stress levels.

Breathe Deeply

By breathing deeply, you can increase oxygen flow to your muscles, which can help you perform better and speed up recovery time. Practice by inhaling through your nose, filling your lungs to their full capacity. Then, exhale slowly and fully before repeating the cycle. 

Breathe With Your Movements

Coordinate your breath with your movements by inhaling on the easier part of the exercise and exhaling on the more challenging part. For example, when doing a push-up, you should inhale as you lower your body and exhale as you push yourself back up. This helps you maintain proper form and avoid injuries.

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All You Really Need to Know About Hydration Challenges Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:24:00 +0000 Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining good health, but hydration challenges may not be the best way to achieve this goal. While these challenges may seem like a fun and harmless way to encourage drinking more water, they can actually be dangerous and lead to serious health issues. View this post on Instagram A post […]

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Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining good health, but hydration challenges may not be the best way to achieve this goal. While these challenges may seem like a fun and harmless way to encourage drinking more water, they can actually be dangerous and lead to serious health issues.

One popular hydration challenge involves drinking a gallon of water in a day. It’s important to remember that every person’s hydration needs are different, and for some people, a gallon per day is more than their bodies really need. Drinking too much water can lead to overhydration, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and even seizures.

So, what is the proper way to hydrate? The best way to ensure you are properly hydrated is to take small sips of water throughout the day, whenever you feel thirsty. It’s also important to pay attention to your body’s signals, such as whether your lips are chapped and the color of your urine. If your pee is pale yellow, you’re most likely sufficiently hydrated. If it’s dark yellow, it’s time to drink more water.

Another way to stay hydrated is to eat foods with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and tomatoes. These fruits and veggies are not only delicious but are also great sources of hydration.

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ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> health tips Archives - Tue, 30 Apr 2024 12:03:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health tips Archives - 32 32 Are Ice Baths More Than Just a Fitness Fad? Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:48:00 +0000 From Olympic athletes to everyday gym-goers, ice baths have become all the rage. But while cold exposure therapy is sometimes used as a physical remedy to alleviate pain with some doctors even recommending it, are there true benefits to ice baths that make them more than just a fitness fad? Here are the main benefits […]

The post Are Ice Baths More Than Just a Fitness Fad? appeared first on

From Olympic athletes to everyday gym-goers, ice baths have become all the rage. But while cold exposure therapy is sometimes used as a physical remedy to alleviate pain with some doctors even recommending it, are there true benefits to ice baths that make them more than just a fitness fad? Here are the main benefits that ice baths have to offer.

Pain Management

While few studies on the medical benefits of ice baths have been done, they are shown to help alleviate pain and inflammation given that they are a form of cold exposure therapy, otherwise known as cryotherapy. This is particularly helpful if ever you feel sore after exercise or perhaps have an injury.

Immune System and Cardiovascular Health

One study published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health showed that immersion into cold water can potentially not only boost your immune system but also improve cardiovascular health and insulin resistance. While more studies will be required in order to uncover more information, this at least shows that ice baths are not detrimental to you.

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Signs That You Need to Stop Exercising Fri, 15 Mar 2024 08:02:00 +0000 While exercise is vital to maintain your well-being, it’s important to remember that there is such a thing as overexerting yourself. In fact, sometimes, too much exercise can threaten your health. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation you are unfamiliar with, then here are some signs that you need to stop exercising. You […]

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While exercise is vital to maintain your well-being, it’s important to remember that there is such a thing as overexerting yourself. In fact, sometimes, too much exercise can threaten your health. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation you are unfamiliar with, then here are some signs that you need to stop exercising.

You Feel Chest Pain

Although you shouldn’t jump to conclusions, chest pain could be a sign of heart disease. Nausea, headaches, and jaw pain are other potential signs. Regardless of your specific symptoms, it’s always a good idea to consult a medical professional for treatment or advice.

Chills or Blurred Vision

These kinds of strange feelings could be a sign of a heat stroke. If your body temperature is extremely high, then your body may be trying to cool itself down due to its irregular temperature spike. Cease your workout immediately and seek medical help.

Stiff Muscles

Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is fairly common after exercise, often happening around 24 hours after exercising a muscle group that hasn’t been worked in a while. Still, it’s best not to exert the sore area if you still experience DOMS, instead focusing on other muscles while allowing the tender area to rest and rebuild.

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Should You Drink Coffee When You’re Sick? Sat, 02 Dec 2023 08:51:00 +0000 For many of us, a hot cup of coffee is an essential part of our morning routine, providing the boost of energy we need to kick-start our day. Most of the time, that’s all well and good, but the question of whether it’s advisable to drink coffee gets a bit more complicated when we’re feeling […]

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For many of us, a hot cup of coffee is an essential part of our morning routine, providing the boost of energy we need to kick-start our day. Most of the time, that’s all well and good, but the question of whether it’s advisable to drink coffee gets a bit more complicated when we’re feeling under the weather. Coffee does contain small amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, and has been shown to provide a variety of health benefits when consumed in moderation, but do the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to the common cold? Read on to find out. 

Dehydration concerns

It’s no secret that the caffeine in coffee can improve alertness and provide a temporary energy boost. However, caffeine also tends to have a dehydrating effect, and when we’re sick, our bodies are already prone to dehydration due to fever and increased mucus production. If you’re feeling dehydrated, it may be better to skip coffee. If you do decide to have a cup, be sure to drink plenty of water to counter the dehydrating effects. 

Aggravates digestive issues

Caffeine stimulates the production of stomach acid, which can exacerbate existing digestive problems like acid reflux or an upset stomach. The acidity of coffee may also irritate an already sensitive gastrointestinal tract, leading to further discomfort and a longer recovery time. If your symptoms include stomach issues, you’re probably better off swapping your coffee for some herbal tea until you feel better. 

Interferes with sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s healing process by allowing our immune systems to function properly, and consuming coffee too late in the day can disrupt your sleep patterns. Caffeine has also been shown to suppress the immune system when consumed in large quantities, hindering the body’s ability to efficiently fight off infections.

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The Pros & Cons of Seeing a Health Coach Mon, 06 Nov 2023 16:41:00 +0000 Over the last few years, health coaching has taken off as a popular career choice within the wellness industry, and millions of patients are also turning to health coaches as a way to fill in the gaps in their traditional healthcare plans. Most health coaches are certified professionals who can offer expertise in areas such […]

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Over the last few years, health coaching has taken off as a popular career choice within the wellness industry, and millions of patients are also turning to health coaches as a way to fill in the gaps in their traditional healthcare plans. Most health coaches are certified professionals who can offer expertise in areas such as fitness and nutrition, but working with a health coach is not without certain drawbacks. If you’re considering working with a health coach but aren’t sure whether it’s right for you, read on to learn more about some of the main pros and cons.

Personalized Guidance

Because health coaches are versed in a variety of health-related topics, they’re able to offer more personalized guidance than professionals such as doctors, who often specialize in one area. This type of individualized approach can make it easier to look at your lifestyle as a whole and take the necessary steps to work toward your goals. 


One of the most significant cons to seeing a health coach is the cost. Health coaches can be expensive, and as the industry is fairly new, insurance coverage may vary depending on your plan and the services you go for. It’s also important to consider that the effectiveness of a health coach will largely depend on their competency and experience and choose your coach accordingly. 


Health coaching often involves regular sessions and goal-tracking, which can be quite time consuming and not necessarily feasible for people with busy schedules. If you’re willing and able to commit, this type of structured approach can be quite helpful when compared to going it alone. Otherwise, working with a health coach may ultimately be a waste of your time and money.

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What is Body Positivity? 3 Ways to Embrace the Movement Wed, 25 Oct 2023 16:06:00 +0000 The last few years have marked a notable improvement in terms of diversity in media and advertising. In conjunction, a movement founded on the notion that we should all accept and embrace our bodies, regardless of shape, size, or appearance, has begun to take hold. If you’re looking to improve your relationship with your body, […]

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The last few years have marked a notable improvement in terms of diversity in media and advertising. In conjunction, a movement founded on the notion that we should all accept and embrace our bodies, regardless of shape, size, or appearance, has begun to take hold. If you’re looking to improve your relationship with your body, read on for some tips on how to embrace the body positivity movement.

Be Kind to Yourself

The journey toward body positivity starts with self-compassion. Instead of fixating on what you perceive as flaws or comparing yourself to others, try to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you’d offer to a friend. Everyone has imperfections—inside and out—and they don’t define your worth. Focus on your strengths and the qualities that make you unique instead.

Surround Yourself With Positivity

Your environment plays a major role in shaping your body image, especially when it comes to the content you consume. Follow accounts and creators that share body-positive messages that make you feel empowered, and unfollow or mute accounts that trigger negative self-perceptions. In daily life, try to surround yourself with people who uplift you and appreciate your inner qualities over physical appearance.

Practice Self-Care

The mind and body are deeply connected, and engaging in activities that make you feel good physically will translate into improved self-image and wellbeing. Aim to do something to care for your body every day, whether it be practicing yoga, going for a walk, or taking a bath with your favorite essential oils.

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What Exactly is Sleep Hygiene? Tips For Getting Your Best Night, Every Night Sun, 24 Sep 2023 08:36:00 +0000 Sleep is essential for both mental and physical health, but getting good-quality shut-eye is often easier said than done. Stress, screens, and irregular schedules can have a significant impact on the body’s natural sleep-wake cycles, making it difficult to wind down and get the deep rest we need. While some things will always be out […]

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Sleep is essential for both mental and physical health, but getting good-quality shut-eye is often easier said than done. Stress, screens, and irregular schedules can have a significant impact on the body’s natural sleep-wake cycles, making it difficult to wind down and get the deep rest we need. While some things will always be out of our control, learning to practice proper sleep hygiene can mean the difference between waking up on the wrong side of the bed versus being rested and ready to tackle the day.

Consistency is Key

Of all of the practices that contribute to proper sleep hygiene, the most important of all is sticking to a regular sleep routine. Our bodies operate according to an internal clock known as the circadian rhythm, and keeping consistent bed and wake-up times, even on weekends, is essential for keeping this rhythm regulated.

Consider Your Environment

Create an environment conducive to high-quality sleep by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Set your thermostat to around 65°F, use blackout curtains, and place cell phones and other electronics in another room. If you live in a city or noisy neighborhood, use white noise to drown out disruptive sounds from the outside. Staying comfortable can also help to prevent any unexpected wakeups throughout the night, so consider investing in a high-quality mattress and pillows that support proper spinal alignment.

Eat Right & Exercise

If you’re struggling to fall asleep at bedtime or regularly feel tired in the afternoons, don’t overlook the impact of exercise. Physical activity can promote better sleep by relieving stress and helping to regulate our circadian rhythm, but it’s best to keep strenuous workouts to at least an hour before bed. In the same vein, avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evenings, as both have been shown to interfere with sleep quality.

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Why the Heat Makes Us So Tired & How to Deal With It Sun, 10 Sep 2023 08:38:00 +0000 Summer may be coming to a close, but, unfortunately, it seems as if the heat won’t be going anywhere just yet. While we’ve certainly enjoyed all of the beach days, barbecues, and camping trips that the weather over the last few months has allowed for, we also can’t deny that scorching hot days have a […]

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Summer may be coming to a close, but, unfortunately, it seems as if the heat won’t be going anywhere just yet. While we’ve certainly enjoyed all of the beach days, barbecues, and camping trips that the weather over the last few months has allowed for, we also can’t deny that scorching hot days have a tendency to leave us feeling seriously drained. Well, it turns out there’s a reason that the heat makes us tired, and, fortunately, there are a few simple ways to deal with it. Read on for a few of our best tips. 

Why the Heat Makes Us Tired

When the thermometer climbs, our bodies have to work overtime to keep our internal temperature regulated. The main way that this is achieved is through sweating, which carries heat away from the center of the body through our skin. However, this process consumes a significant amount of energy and causes us to lose fluids, decreasing blood volume and making it more difficult for the heart to circulate blood and oxygen. All of these factors combined are a recipe for fatigue.

How to Beat the Heat

Stay Hydrated: Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to replenish lost fluids and give your body the support it needs to regulate your temperature more efficiently. The best way to do this is to drink small amounts of water at frequent intervals—aim for about 24-32 oz. per hour.

Be Strategic: Try to plan your schedule so that you’re able to avoid performing any strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day. Save outdoor tasks for mornings or evenings when the temperature tends to be lower and the sun is less intense.

Keep Cool: Use fans, air conditioning, and cool showers to lower your body temperature throughout the day. Stay in the shade when working outdoors, and if you start to feel ill, seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

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3 Tips for Staying True to Your Diet Sun, 23 Jul 2023 16:34:00 +0000 Staying true to your diet is one of the hardest things to do, especially if you’re entrenched in a bad habit of eating certain things. There’s nothing wrong with struggling, because it’s quite human at the end of the day. The last thing you need to do is worry, because there are solutions right around […]

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Staying true to your diet is one of the hardest things to do, especially if you’re entrenched in a bad habit of eating certain things. There’s nothing wrong with struggling, because it’s quite human at the end of the day. The last thing you need to do is worry, because there are solutions right around the corner. Here are three tips for staying true to your diet.

Remember the End Goal

It is true that we need to focus on every step of the journey, but it’s also true that the journey can be made easier if we remind ourselves why we’re doing it in the first place. Remember your ultimate goal, and allow that to guide you through the tough times.

Have Someone Hold You Accountable

Not unlike a workout buddy, having someone to hold you accountable can sometimes be the very thing that helps you follow through on a mission. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a trainer, they can be the voice of “tough love”—but also the support—you need throughout the struggles.

Love Yourself

This may be the most important tip of all. Oftentimes when we cheat on our diets, we may start to beat ourselves up about it—but this is the last thing you should do. This will only make things worse. You need to love yourself and remind yourself that you’re not perfect, and that’s okay.

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Why Breathing Properly Could Be the Key to Improving Your Workouts Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:47:00 +0000 It’s easy to think that the way we breathe isn’t a big deal when it comes to exercise. After all, we do it automatically, right? While this is partly true, you may be surprised to learn that breathing properly can actually make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your workouts. By learning the correct […]

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It’s easy to think that the way we breathe isn’t a big deal when it comes to exercise. After all, we do it automatically, right? While this is partly true, you may be surprised to learn that breathing properly can actually make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your workouts. By learning the correct way to breathe, you can increase your endurance, reduce fatigue, and even prevent injuries. Read on to learn a bit more about how to breathe properly during workouts and why it matters. 

Breathe Through Your Nose

Breathing through your nose allows your body to take in oxygen more efficiently and helps to filter out impurities in the air. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which can lead to improved endurance, reduced fatigue, and lower stress levels.

Breathe Deeply

By breathing deeply, you can increase oxygen flow to your muscles, which can help you perform better and speed up recovery time. Practice by inhaling through your nose, filling your lungs to their full capacity. Then, exhale slowly and fully before repeating the cycle. 

Breathe With Your Movements

Coordinate your breath with your movements by inhaling on the easier part of the exercise and exhaling on the more challenging part. For example, when doing a push-up, you should inhale as you lower your body and exhale as you push yourself back up. This helps you maintain proper form and avoid injuries.

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All You Really Need to Know About Hydration Challenges Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:24:00 +0000 Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining good health, but hydration challenges may not be the best way to achieve this goal. While these challenges may seem like a fun and harmless way to encourage drinking more water, they can actually be dangerous and lead to serious health issues. View this post on Instagram A post […]

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Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining good health, but hydration challenges may not be the best way to achieve this goal. While these challenges may seem like a fun and harmless way to encourage drinking more water, they can actually be dangerous and lead to serious health issues.

One popular hydration challenge involves drinking a gallon of water in a day. It’s important to remember that every person’s hydration needs are different, and for some people, a gallon per day is more than their bodies really need. Drinking too much water can lead to overhydration, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and even seizures.

So, what is the proper way to hydrate? The best way to ensure you are properly hydrated is to take small sips of water throughout the day, whenever you feel thirsty. It’s also important to pay attention to your body’s signals, such as whether your lips are chapped and the color of your urine. If your pee is pale yellow, you’re most likely sufficiently hydrated. If it’s dark yellow, it’s time to drink more water.

Another way to stay hydrated is to eat foods with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and tomatoes. These fruits and veggies are not only delicious but are also great sources of hydration.

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