4 Signs of Overtraining in Runners

Man running
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU from Pexels

Have you ever trained for a distance event? If so, you know the feeling of early mornings, long workouts, and increased mileage. Taking time off can be challenging, but it’s essential for letting your body recover, which will optimize your training. Even still, sometimes we fall victim to overtraining and burnout, which negatively impacts performance. So, what are the signs of overtraining or burnout to look out for?

Chronically Elevated Heart Rate

If your resting heart rate is higher than usual, it may be a sign your body is in repair mode and it needs extra time to rest and recover. Consider taking the next day off or adjusting your workouts to something less intense.

Trouble Sleeping

Sleep disturbances can be a result of overtraining or changing your training schedule. After a long run, you should feel exhausted, but if you find yourself waking up throughout the night, it may be a sign of your body saying something is off.

Aches and Pains

Aches and pains that happen during a workout and don’t go away after the run could be a sign of chronic inflammation and a potential injury happening. Now’s the right time to take a break before more damage happens.

Lack of Motivation

When training starts to become a hassle and you begin to dread it, it’s a sign of burnout and you should give yourself a break.