A Hop, Skip, and a Jump: Four Jump Rope Exercises You Should Try

Jump Rope
Photo by erica steeves on Unsplash

We’re pretty sure that you played jump rope on the playground as a kid. While children do it as a form of enjoyment, jump rope is actually a great way to improve cardiovascular health and burn calories. And who says you can’t have fun while working out?

Double Unders

Hold the rope handles in each hand and swing the rope under your feet twice with each jump. This requires a little more coordination and timing, but it’s a great way to improve your agility and speed.

Side Straddle

With this move, you’ll jump to the side with your feet apart, then jump back to the center and repeat on the other side. It’s a fantastic way to work your inner and outer thighs.

Boxer Step

This exercise mimics the footwork of a boxer, so tap into your inner Muhammad Ali. Step one foot forward and one foot back, then quickly switch to the opposite stance with each jump.

Jump Rope Sprint

If you’re looking to hit your HIIT target, this move will get your heart rate up. Jump as fast as you can for 10-15 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of 5-10 sets.