Can’t Do Box Jumps? Here’s Why

Men doing box jumps
Image via Daxiao_Productions/depositphotos

If there’s one thing that intimidates us more than just about anything else at the gym it’s the box jump. While they seem easy to do (all you have to do is jump on a box), they’re a lot harder than they look. They’re a plyometric exercise that requires lots of strength and power and if you’re struggling with them, here’s why.

You’re Overthinking Things

As mentioned, jumping on a box is intimidating and the thought of falling is scary. Whether you’ve fallen in the past or watched box jump fails on social media, fear may be preventing you from executing the move. To overcome this, lower the height of the box until you’re comfortable and then raise it. You can also add padding to the surface, so you don’t have to worry about injuries, or practice on a foam box.

Your Calves Aren’t Strong Enough

Strong calf muscles will help you get off the ground and onto the box. To get stronger calf muscles, perform strength exercises like calf raises, double unders, cone jumps, and broad jumps.

You Lack Explosive Power

Box jumps are an explosive movement and in order to do them, your glutes and hamstrings have to fire quickly. To work on your explosive power, include hang power cleans and kettlebell swings into your workouts.