Good Oral Health Can Prevent Alzheimer’s

Brushing teeth
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Anyone who has had a loved one deal with Alzheimer’s knows just how difficult the disease can be. The neurodegenerative condition is mostly categorized by memory loss, but mood swings, disorientation, and withdrawal are all symptoms of the unfortunate illness.

According to the Mayo Clinic, between 30-35 million people around the world have Alzheimer’s. As it stands, there is no treatment to stop or reverse the effects of the condition, but that’s not to say that nothing can be done to reduce the risk. In fact, it’s as easy as taking better care of your teeth.

Although we may not give much thought to our mouths, millions of bacteria pass through every day. When it comes to our body’s microbiome, only the one in our gut is more diverse. Some bacteria, like porphyromonas gingivalis which causes gum diseasehas been linked to Alzheimer’s and found in the brain of patients with the illness. 

Thus, taking care of your oral health definitely has an advantageous effect. 

In order to do so, floss as much as possible (or at least nightly); limit the use of antiseptic mouthwash as this cleans away the good bacteria as well as the bad, and reduce consumption of sugary and acidic foods.