Gym Etiquette Rules You Should Know

Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

Most gyms do not give out a code of conduct for gym users. However, there are some general rules that you should know when you join a gym. Some of them include:

Stay at home if you are sick

Sneezing and coughing during the fitness class leave a trail of microbes that could infect others in the gym. Stay home if you are under the weather.

Obey time limits for cardio machine

During busy days, gyms limit machine usage to twenty minutes or thirty minutes. Staying on the machine for a long time will affect others who are waiting to use the machine. Please be considerate of others.

Dress Appropriately

Wearing loose clothing or short shorts can be comfortable for you but also put you at risk of getting stuck on the machine. Workout clothes enhance your exercise experience. It also prevents any unwanted attention at the gym.

Keep the Unsolicited Advice to Yourself

Gym users don’t like being told what to do. Even if you are a personal trainer, you should not try to interfere with another user’s workout. Unless you’re a staff at the gym, keep your opinion to yourself.

Place your bag in the locker

Dropping your gym bag on the floor can be hazardous if someone trips over it. This is not a pleasant experience. Ensure that your bag is secured in the locker to prevent injuries and to keep your items safe.