How to Overcome Seasonal Affective Depression

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

Seasonal affective depression (SAD) is a form of depression that comes and goes with the cycle of the seasons. Many people suffer from SAD in the winter months as the days become shorter and colder. Here are five ways you can help combat seasonal depression.


The best way to overcome seasonal depression is to keep on training. Stick to your exercise routine, get out of the house every day, and run outside.


To help combat feelings of claustrophobia, try to get out of the house every day and take a lot of exercise outside. This could be running in the local park, skipping in the garden, or lifting weights on the porch.

Vitamin D

Seasonal depression can be caused by a lack of Vitamin D. We get vitamin D in sunlight. Try to get as much sun as possible. If that’s not possible because the light levels are so low, take Vitamin D supplements or invest in SAD lamps. These emit light that resemble sunlight and provides Vitamin D.


Establish a routine and stick to it. Try not to do too much, but as much exercise as you would do in the summer months. Go to bed at regular times and get up at the same time every morning. If possible, try to wake up with the sun.