How to Restart Your Fitness Routine after a Holiday

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Restarting your exercise routine and maintaining it after returning from a fairly long or break can be difficult. You will need lots of motivation and planning to restart your routine. Here are some important steps that can help:

Plan your exercise before starting

 Draw out a plan on when to schedule your exercise through the week. It is advisable to do this with a calendar and your diary at hand.

The time assigned for your exercise routine should be reasonable, and should not encroach into time scheduled for other activities.

Pick exercises you enjoy

Sometimes, after skipping a lot of exercises, we pressure ourselves and start a more vigorous routine. This is done to ‘punish’ ourselves for skipping exercises. This is not healthy. Make sure you pick exercises that you want to do. It does not mean that exercises will feel easy, at times it feels really tough. Don’t punish yourself for skipping your fitness routine.

Get Inspired

If you are struggling with motivation, pick a word or quote that inspired you, and then remind yourself of this word. Choose a word or quote that can inspire you into getting to your target goal in the fitness routine. This word may not thrill other hearers, its fine. What matters is that it inspires you while exercising. It could be words like ‘don’t give up’. It could also be quotes like ‘if you want what you never had, do what you never did’.