Short on Time? Circuit Training is the Answer

Woman using battle ropes
Photo by Grzegorz Rakowski on Unsplash

Are you sick of spending hours at the gym or simply just don’t have the time to do so? Perhaps circuit training is right for you. It combines strength and cardio, cycling through several exercises while targeting serval muscle groups with minimal rest in between. It’s an intense, fast workout, that you’re going to love. If you needed more of an excuse to give it a try, here are three reasons why circuit training deserves to be part of your workout routine.

Shakes Up Your Workout

Before long, workouts become boring as you spend so much time doing the same exercise over and over again. Circuit training solves this problem by incorporating different exercises into one workout. You can customize and modify your circuit training workouts to fit your goals.

Burn More Calories in Less Time

Your body goes through a post-workout recovery period (afterburn) that uses more energy when performing circuit training than other workouts and leads to more calories burned in a shorter period of time.

Combines Cardio and Strength Training

Circuit training combines cardio and strength which not only allows you to burn more calories, but it increases muscle. This one workout accomplishes both of your training goals.