desk job Archives - Sun, 24 Jan 2021 08:56:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 desk job Archives - 32 32 How to Get Rid of Soreness and Muscle Tension From Sitting at a Desk All Day Sun, 24 Jan 2021 08:56:05 +0000 It’s no secret that working desk jobs can cause soreness and muscle tension. Between typing to staring at a computer screen, your wrists, shoulders, back, and neck ache by the end of the day. If you don’t change the way you manage your time with technology, your pain will get worse. Luckily, there are some […]

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It’s no secret that working desk jobs can cause soreness and muscle tension. Between typing to staring at a computer screen, your wrists, shoulders, back, and neck ache by the end of the day. If you don’t change the way you manage your time with technology, your pain will get worse. Luckily, there are some simple solutions to ease the pain. Here are five tricks to get rid of the tension caused by working a desk job.

Table Breaks

Change your posture frequently and take breaks every hour. If you’re using a standing desk, try and limit standing to 20-minute intervals and put one foot on a footrest or use an anti-fatigue mat for extra cushioning.

Adjust Your Chair

Make sure your back is against the back of the chair and that the armrest is at the same height as the desk, so that your shoulders are relaxed.

Stretch Your Wrists and Fingers

Stretching your wrists and fingers throughout the day will ease sore shoulders, painful wrists, and hands.

Reset Your Neck Position

When you’re sitting at a computer, it’s common to push your neck forward to look at the screen. But this places a lot of tension on your neck muscles. From time to time, turn your head from side to side and roll your shoulders back and down.

Pump Your Muscles

Stretch out your forearms and your legs while pumping your hands, wrists, and ankles to increase blood flow and mobilize your nerves. This gets rid of the tingling feeling of your muscles falling asleep after a long day at work.

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Easy YouTube Workouts You Can Do at Your Desk Wed, 02 Dec 2020 16:29:46 +0000 Struggling to find some free time before or after work to do your exercise? These easy and short YouTube workouts that you can do at your office desk will help you stay active throughout the day. 5-Minute Abs Desk Workout Toning your abs and burning calories while sitting at your office desk seems like an […]

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Struggling to find some free time before or after work to do your exercise? These easy and short YouTube workouts that you can do at your office desk will help you stay active throughout the day.

5-Minute Abs Desk Workout

Toning your abs and burning calories while sitting at your office desk seems like an impossible thing to do. But this awesome desk workout, which you can do in only five minutes, will help you stay in shape and sculpt your abs.

Yoga at Your Desk

Adriene Mishler is the best yoga teacher you’ll find on YouTube, for sure. Her six-minute yoga routine is perfect for people who work desk jobs and spend too much time sitting. Even if you’re not a yoga person, this video is a great thing!

Seated Office Workout for Energy

Caroline Jordan will help you stay energized throughout the day with this easy and helpful workout that you can do while sitting at your desk in only 10 minutes.

Easy 10-Minute Workout

Do this easy workout in only 10 minutes to improve posture and stretch your body. These basic exercise will help you stay in shape and prevent any back pain.

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These Common Office Job Habits are Ruining Your Posture Sun, 25 Oct 2020 19:34:00 +0000 Doing an office job can be extremely bad for your posture and even more people are dealing with this problem as working from home becomes a new normal. Here are a couple of common things that you’re probably doing that are really bad for your posture. Bad Sitting Habits The way you sit is the […]

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Doing an office job can be extremely bad for your posture and even more people are dealing with this problem as working from home becomes a new normal. Here are a couple of common things that you’re probably doing that are really bad for your posture.

Bad Sitting Habits

The way you sit is the most common cause of bad posture. The main thing that should be avoided is slouching on your chair because it may lead to muscle tension and back pain. Your feet should be flat on the floor, with your hips directly below your shoulders. Also, make sure to adjust the monitor at eye level so you wouldn’t have to look down when typing.

Hunching Back

Speaking of looking down, many of us tend to do it on a regular basis—not only when looking at our monitors, but our phones, as well. Hunching back is a common problem we all face, and it’s important to try eradicating this habit by holding our phones up at eye level.

Not Taking Breaks

Having a desk job doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be sitting for hours on end. It’s important to take regular breaks and use them to stretch and walk around. In addition to being good for your body, these tiny breaks will allow you to rest your mind and increase efficiency.

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Best Ways to Improve Your Posture When You’re Working from Home Tue, 01 Sep 2020 06:18:00 +0000 Working from home usually means you spend most of your time sitting and looking at your screen. This can be a fatal combination for your posture, but you can try improving it with these useful tips. Sitting Position Your posture may be suffering because you’re not sitting properly. You should consider investing in a good […]

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Working from home usually means you spend most of your time sitting and looking at your screen. This can be a fatal combination for your posture, but you can try improving it with these useful tips.

Sitting Position

Your posture may be suffering because you’re not sitting properly. You should consider investing in a good office chair, and make sure you pay close attention to your posture. Keep your feet flat on the ground, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, and make sure you have proper back support.

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Do you have a desk job? Me too! Swipe to see some changes you can make to improve the ergonomics of your home office. Since COVID-19, working from home has turned my once active and fast paced job as a school based OT into a desk job with hours of sitting instead. Today I took a look at my home office and made some modifications to be more beneficial for my health. The Mayo Clinic recommends being seated at a 90-90-90 degree posture for optimal seating position at the hips, knees and feet on the floor. In my original photo I was near that but made some simple changes that helped me get closer. 1⃣ I added a textbook under my computer to improve my hip angle and make it easier to see my screen. 2⃣ I put a pillow behind me as this chair is sloping in the back which would have me leaning back slightly without the back support 3⃣ Moved my chair to be farther under the desk, further preventing me from slouching over time see. With these quick tips I improved my workspace and spent no money doing it! Research from Columbia University recommends sitting for no more than 30 min of every hour, and there’s no substitute for getting up! You can take more of your grad school textbooks 😅 and build yourself a platform for your computer that is sturdy enough to allow you to stand and work for the other 30 minutes. If you’re working from home, what changes have you made to improve your workspace? #ForwardFunction #deskworkout #deskstretch #ergotherapy #sittingposture #inhometherapy #deskideas #deskposture #neckexercise #helpathome #HomeWorkstation #posturematters #shoulderexercise #homemods #teletherapyot #ergonomicchair #techneck #soreneck #chairworkout #spinemobility #textneck #stretchingroutine #teletherapy #deskjob #WorkingRemotely #occupationaltherapist #teletherapyot #telehealththerapy #occupationaltherapyassistant #sittingright #healthysitting

A post shared by Forward Function (@fwdfunction) on

Taking Breaks

It’s crucial to take regular breaks while working from home because they’ll help you increase blood circulation and back mobility. Stand up every 30 minutes if possible, and walk and stretch because it will help you to reset your posture.

Core Exercises

The stronger your core is, the less pressure you’ll put on your spine. Incorporate core exercises into your workout, and your desk job will no longer feel like such a nightmare after you manage to improve your spinal health.

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Turn Your Office Job Into a Workout With These Three Pieces of Equipment Mon, 24 Aug 2020 15:37:00 +0000 Desk jobs can take a toll on your physical health because they force you to sit for eight hours on a daily basis. Working from home is equally challenging, and here’s a couple of exercise machines you can use to turn your office job into a workout. Balance Ball Chair Balance ball chairs are one […]

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Desk jobs can take a toll on your physical health because they force you to sit for eight hours on a daily basis. Working from home is equally challenging, and here’s a couple of exercise machines you can use to turn your office job into a workout.

Balance Ball Chair

Balance ball chairs are one of the most popular pieces of equipment for people with an office job. They’re often used as a healthy alternative to standard office seating because they force your core muscles to work harder to keep the balance.

Desk Treadmill

Many people with a desk job swear by standing desks with a matching treadmill, because they allow you to get a mini-workout during office hours. Keep in mind you don’t have to walk on your treadmill all day long, but you can squeeze in a workout during your Zoom meetings.

Desk Bike

Desk bikes are also experiencing a huge boom in popularity, and they can give you a great low-impact workout. To make the whole thing even better, you can continue working on your assignments along the way thanks to the adjustable desk counter surface.

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Try Kayla Itsines’ Posture Workout If You Have Office Job Thu, 09 Jul 2020 12:54:00 +0000 Sitting at a desk for eight hours a day can have an extremely negative impact on your posture. Fitness influencer Kayla Itsines is aware of the toll that office jobs can take on people, and that’s why she came up with an amazing posture workout. Itsines listed several benefits of having a good posture, such […]

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Sitting at a desk for eight hours a day can have an extremely negative impact on your posture. Fitness influencer Kayla Itsines is aware of the toll that office jobs can take on people, and that’s why she came up with an amazing posture workout.

Itsines listed several benefits of having a good posture, such as reduced back pain, reduced headaches, increased energy levels, less strain and fatigue on your ligaments and muscles, and better form in general.

Her posture workout consists of child’s pose stretches, arm and leg extension, single-leg glute bridges, scapular push-ups, and alternating Superman moves. She demonstrates how to perform each move in her workout video while specifying how many reps you should do for each.

The famous fitness influencer recommends doing a total of three rounds so you would reap the benefits of this workout. She created this routine with people who do office jobs in mind, but everyone who’s trying to improve their posture can give it a try.

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How to Stay Active if You Sit at Your Desk All Day Tue, 15 Oct 2019 07:30:55 +0000 Modern jobs are often sedentary and make you spend your days in the office checking emails, doing other things on the computer, and attending meetings. It’s become a norm today so many people don’t even think about doing something to change it. However, introducing some activity into your sedentary lifestyle may be crucial for keeping […]

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Modern jobs are often sedentary and make you spend your days in the office checking emails, doing other things on the computer, and attending meetings. It’s become a norm today so many people don’t even think about doing something to change it. However, introducing some activity into your sedentary lifestyle may be crucial for keeping you healthy in the long term. Here’s how you can ease yourself into it.

Take Breaks

If you can, take a short break after every hour of sitting down. It will activate your muscles and get your blood flowing. Set a timer if you tend to forget.

Eat Outside

It’s too easy to eat your lunch at your desk while you’re replying to some overdue emails, but getting outside, even if it’s just for 15 minutes, will make the difference.

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Соц сети влияют на формирование стандартов об идеальном теле. ⠀ Я не первая и не последняя, кто вам это скажет. ⠀ В начале недели мы с девочками из моего группового проекта создали опрос на тему "Health and Fitness" для девушек, проживающих в Ванкувере. Суть опроса заключалась в том, что нам нужно было выяснить какой % из них доволен своим телом, хотят ли они что-то менять, какой образ жизни они ведут, тренируются и следят ли они за питанием, и влияют ли соц сети на их формирование стандартов об идеальном телосложение. ⠀ 82% сказали, что social media играет роль в формировании их взглядов об идеальном телосложении, но всего 30% сказали, что это влияние несет негативный характер на их психическое и эмоциональное здоровье. ⠀ Проще говоря, только 30% загонялись по поводу своего тела после просмотра ленты в соц сетях и говорили, что "смотри, какая у неё фигура, а я выгляжу ужасно. Я страшная, некрасивая, у меня нет такой задницы, мне не видать такого тела и тд" ⠀ Я спокойно могу отнести себя к этой группе девушек, потому что сам пела такую же песню. До какого-то момента мне было реально все равно, потом была эта погоня за "идеальным телом", и сейчас я уже спокойно отношусь к этому. ⠀ Стандарты идеала у всех свои. Честно, мне кажется, что любая девушка в жизни проходит через этот этап "принятия себя". Кто-то раньше, кто-то позже, а кто-то, к сожалению, живет с этим всю жизнь. ⠀ Поэтому, девочки, давайте любить себя такими, какие мы есть. Превращайте свои недостатки (если вы считаете, что они у вас есть) в ваши изюминки. Не обращайте внимание на других, и особенно на то, что они говорят. ⠀ Вон я сижу на фото счастливая и ем пиццу за обе щеки, потому что хочу наслаждаться каждым моментом жизни, а не вечно ограничивать себя в чём-либо. ⠀ Вон у меня есть шрам уже 21 год на одной стороне моего пятого места, но никогда не было и мысли, чтобы я его стеснялась или хотела изменить. Это выделяет меня из миллиарда других. ⠀ Девочки, поделитесь вашим мнением, по поводу влияния соц сетей на данную тему. Очень интересно почитать позиции и мнения людей, которые проживают в русскоговорящих странах. Всем любви❤

A post shared by Liza, Vancouver 🇨🇦 (@elizkozlova) on

Use the Stairs

Stairs are an easy way to work some cardio into your workday, so avoid the elevator at all costs. The more you do it, the easier it will become until you turn it into a habit!

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ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> desk job Archives - Sun, 24 Jan 2021 08:56:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 desk job Archives - 32 32 How to Get Rid of Soreness and Muscle Tension From Sitting at a Desk All Day Sun, 24 Jan 2021 08:56:05 +0000 It’s no secret that working desk jobs can cause soreness and muscle tension. Between typing to staring at a computer screen, your wrists, shoulders, back, and neck ache by the end of the day. If you don’t change the way you manage your time with technology, your pain will get worse. Luckily, there are some […]

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It’s no secret that working desk jobs can cause soreness and muscle tension. Between typing to staring at a computer screen, your wrists, shoulders, back, and neck ache by the end of the day. If you don’t change the way you manage your time with technology, your pain will get worse. Luckily, there are some simple solutions to ease the pain. Here are five tricks to get rid of the tension caused by working a desk job.

Table Breaks

Change your posture frequently and take breaks every hour. If you’re using a standing desk, try and limit standing to 20-minute intervals and put one foot on a footrest or use an anti-fatigue mat for extra cushioning.

Adjust Your Chair

Make sure your back is against the back of the chair and that the armrest is at the same height as the desk, so that your shoulders are relaxed.

Stretch Your Wrists and Fingers

Stretching your wrists and fingers throughout the day will ease sore shoulders, painful wrists, and hands.

Reset Your Neck Position

When you’re sitting at a computer, it’s common to push your neck forward to look at the screen. But this places a lot of tension on your neck muscles. From time to time, turn your head from side to side and roll your shoulders back and down.

Pump Your Muscles

Stretch out your forearms and your legs while pumping your hands, wrists, and ankles to increase blood flow and mobilize your nerves. This gets rid of the tingling feeling of your muscles falling asleep after a long day at work.

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Easy YouTube Workouts You Can Do at Your Desk Wed, 02 Dec 2020 16:29:46 +0000 Struggling to find some free time before or after work to do your exercise? These easy and short YouTube workouts that you can do at your office desk will help you stay active throughout the day. 5-Minute Abs Desk Workout Toning your abs and burning calories while sitting at your office desk seems like an […]

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Struggling to find some free time before or after work to do your exercise? These easy and short YouTube workouts that you can do at your office desk will help you stay active throughout the day.

5-Minute Abs Desk Workout

Toning your abs and burning calories while sitting at your office desk seems like an impossible thing to do. But this awesome desk workout, which you can do in only five minutes, will help you stay in shape and sculpt your abs.

Yoga at Your Desk

Adriene Mishler is the best yoga teacher you’ll find on YouTube, for sure. Her six-minute yoga routine is perfect for people who work desk jobs and spend too much time sitting. Even if you’re not a yoga person, this video is a great thing!

Seated Office Workout for Energy

Caroline Jordan will help you stay energized throughout the day with this easy and helpful workout that you can do while sitting at your desk in only 10 minutes.

Easy 10-Minute Workout

Do this easy workout in only 10 minutes to improve posture and stretch your body. These basic exercise will help you stay in shape and prevent any back pain.

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These Common Office Job Habits are Ruining Your Posture Sun, 25 Oct 2020 19:34:00 +0000 Doing an office job can be extremely bad for your posture and even more people are dealing with this problem as working from home becomes a new normal. Here are a couple of common things that you’re probably doing that are really bad for your posture. Bad Sitting Habits The way you sit is the […]

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Doing an office job can be extremely bad for your posture and even more people are dealing with this problem as working from home becomes a new normal. Here are a couple of common things that you’re probably doing that are really bad for your posture.

Bad Sitting Habits

The way you sit is the most common cause of bad posture. The main thing that should be avoided is slouching on your chair because it may lead to muscle tension and back pain. Your feet should be flat on the floor, with your hips directly below your shoulders. Also, make sure to adjust the monitor at eye level so you wouldn’t have to look down when typing.

Hunching Back

Speaking of looking down, many of us tend to do it on a regular basis—not only when looking at our monitors, but our phones, as well. Hunching back is a common problem we all face, and it’s important to try eradicating this habit by holding our phones up at eye level.

Not Taking Breaks

Having a desk job doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be sitting for hours on end. It’s important to take regular breaks and use them to stretch and walk around. In addition to being good for your body, these tiny breaks will allow you to rest your mind and increase efficiency.

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Best Ways to Improve Your Posture When You’re Working from Home Tue, 01 Sep 2020 06:18:00 +0000 Working from home usually means you spend most of your time sitting and looking at your screen. This can be a fatal combination for your posture, but you can try improving it with these useful tips. Sitting Position Your posture may be suffering because you’re not sitting properly. You should consider investing in a good […]

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Working from home usually means you spend most of your time sitting and looking at your screen. This can be a fatal combination for your posture, but you can try improving it with these useful tips.

Sitting Position

Your posture may be suffering because you’re not sitting properly. You should consider investing in a good office chair, and make sure you pay close attention to your posture. Keep your feet flat on the ground, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, and make sure you have proper back support.

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Do you have a desk job? Me too! Swipe to see some changes you can make to improve the ergonomics of your home office. Since COVID-19, working from home has turned my once active and fast paced job as a school based OT into a desk job with hours of sitting instead. Today I took a look at my home office and made some modifications to be more beneficial for my health. The Mayo Clinic recommends being seated at a 90-90-90 degree posture for optimal seating position at the hips, knees and feet on the floor. In my original photo I was near that but made some simple changes that helped me get closer. 1⃣ I added a textbook under my computer to improve my hip angle and make it easier to see my screen. 2⃣ I put a pillow behind me as this chair is sloping in the back which would have me leaning back slightly without the back support 3⃣ Moved my chair to be farther under the desk, further preventing me from slouching over time see. With these quick tips I improved my workspace and spent no money doing it! Research from Columbia University recommends sitting for no more than 30 min of every hour, and there’s no substitute for getting up! You can take more of your grad school textbooks 😅 and build yourself a platform for your computer that is sturdy enough to allow you to stand and work for the other 30 minutes. If you’re working from home, what changes have you made to improve your workspace? #ForwardFunction #deskworkout #deskstretch #ergotherapy #sittingposture #inhometherapy #deskideas #deskposture #neckexercise #helpathome #HomeWorkstation #posturematters #shoulderexercise #homemods #teletherapyot #ergonomicchair #techneck #soreneck #chairworkout #spinemobility #textneck #stretchingroutine #teletherapy #deskjob #WorkingRemotely #occupationaltherapist #teletherapyot #telehealththerapy #occupationaltherapyassistant #sittingright #healthysitting

A post shared by Forward Function (@fwdfunction) on

Taking Breaks

It’s crucial to take regular breaks while working from home because they’ll help you increase blood circulation and back mobility. Stand up every 30 minutes if possible, and walk and stretch because it will help you to reset your posture.

Core Exercises

The stronger your core is, the less pressure you’ll put on your spine. Incorporate core exercises into your workout, and your desk job will no longer feel like such a nightmare after you manage to improve your spinal health.

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Turn Your Office Job Into a Workout With These Three Pieces of Equipment Mon, 24 Aug 2020 15:37:00 +0000 Desk jobs can take a toll on your physical health because they force you to sit for eight hours on a daily basis. Working from home is equally challenging, and here’s a couple of exercise machines you can use to turn your office job into a workout. Balance Ball Chair Balance ball chairs are one […]

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Desk jobs can take a toll on your physical health because they force you to sit for eight hours on a daily basis. Working from home is equally challenging, and here’s a couple of exercise machines you can use to turn your office job into a workout.

Balance Ball Chair

Balance ball chairs are one of the most popular pieces of equipment for people with an office job. They’re often used as a healthy alternative to standard office seating because they force your core muscles to work harder to keep the balance.

Desk Treadmill

Many people with a desk job swear by standing desks with a matching treadmill, because they allow you to get a mini-workout during office hours. Keep in mind you don’t have to walk on your treadmill all day long, but you can squeeze in a workout during your Zoom meetings.

Desk Bike

Desk bikes are also experiencing a huge boom in popularity, and they can give you a great low-impact workout. To make the whole thing even better, you can continue working on your assignments along the way thanks to the adjustable desk counter surface.

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Try Kayla Itsines’ Posture Workout If You Have Office Job Thu, 09 Jul 2020 12:54:00 +0000 Sitting at a desk for eight hours a day can have an extremely negative impact on your posture. Fitness influencer Kayla Itsines is aware of the toll that office jobs can take on people, and that’s why she came up with an amazing posture workout. Itsines listed several benefits of having a good posture, such […]

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Sitting at a desk for eight hours a day can have an extremely negative impact on your posture. Fitness influencer Kayla Itsines is aware of the toll that office jobs can take on people, and that’s why she came up with an amazing posture workout.

Itsines listed several benefits of having a good posture, such as reduced back pain, reduced headaches, increased energy levels, less strain and fatigue on your ligaments and muscles, and better form in general.

Her posture workout consists of child’s pose stretches, arm and leg extension, single-leg glute bridges, scapular push-ups, and alternating Superman moves. She demonstrates how to perform each move in her workout video while specifying how many reps you should do for each.

The famous fitness influencer recommends doing a total of three rounds so you would reap the benefits of this workout. She created this routine with people who do office jobs in mind, but everyone who’s trying to improve their posture can give it a try.

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How to Stay Active if You Sit at Your Desk All Day Tue, 15 Oct 2019 07:30:55 +0000 Modern jobs are often sedentary and make you spend your days in the office checking emails, doing other things on the computer, and attending meetings. It’s become a norm today so many people don’t even think about doing something to change it. However, introducing some activity into your sedentary lifestyle may be crucial for keeping […]

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Modern jobs are often sedentary and make you spend your days in the office checking emails, doing other things on the computer, and attending meetings. It’s become a norm today so many people don’t even think about doing something to change it. However, introducing some activity into your sedentary lifestyle may be crucial for keeping you healthy in the long term. Here’s how you can ease yourself into it.

Take Breaks

If you can, take a short break after every hour of sitting down. It will activate your muscles and get your blood flowing. Set a timer if you tend to forget.

Eat Outside

It’s too easy to eat your lunch at your desk while you’re replying to some overdue emails, but getting outside, even if it’s just for 15 minutes, will make the difference.

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Соц сети влияют на формирование стандартов об идеальном теле. ⠀ Я не первая и не последняя, кто вам это скажет. ⠀ В начале недели мы с девочками из моего группового проекта создали опрос на тему "Health and Fitness" для девушек, проживающих в Ванкувере. Суть опроса заключалась в том, что нам нужно было выяснить какой % из них доволен своим телом, хотят ли они что-то менять, какой образ жизни они ведут, тренируются и следят ли они за питанием, и влияют ли соц сети на их формирование стандартов об идеальном телосложение. ⠀ 82% сказали, что social media играет роль в формировании их взглядов об идеальном телосложении, но всего 30% сказали, что это влияние несет негативный характер на их психическое и эмоциональное здоровье. ⠀ Проще говоря, только 30% загонялись по поводу своего тела после просмотра ленты в соц сетях и говорили, что "смотри, какая у неё фигура, а я выгляжу ужасно. Я страшная, некрасивая, у меня нет такой задницы, мне не видать такого тела и тд" ⠀ Я спокойно могу отнести себя к этой группе девушек, потому что сам пела такую же песню. До какого-то момента мне было реально все равно, потом была эта погоня за "идеальным телом", и сейчас я уже спокойно отношусь к этому. ⠀ Стандарты идеала у всех свои. Честно, мне кажется, что любая девушка в жизни проходит через этот этап "принятия себя". Кто-то раньше, кто-то позже, а кто-то, к сожалению, живет с этим всю жизнь. ⠀ Поэтому, девочки, давайте любить себя такими, какие мы есть. Превращайте свои недостатки (если вы считаете, что они у вас есть) в ваши изюминки. Не обращайте внимание на других, и особенно на то, что они говорят. ⠀ Вон я сижу на фото счастливая и ем пиццу за обе щеки, потому что хочу наслаждаться каждым моментом жизни, а не вечно ограничивать себя в чём-либо. ⠀ Вон у меня есть шрам уже 21 год на одной стороне моего пятого места, но никогда не было и мысли, чтобы я его стеснялась или хотела изменить. Это выделяет меня из миллиарда других. ⠀ Девочки, поделитесь вашим мнением, по поводу влияния соц сетей на данную тему. Очень интересно почитать позиции и мнения людей, которые проживают в русскоговорящих странах. Всем любви❤

A post shared by Liza, Vancouver 🇨🇦 (@elizkozlova) on

Use the Stairs

Stairs are an easy way to work some cardio into your workday, so avoid the elevator at all costs. The more you do it, the easier it will become until you turn it into a habit!

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