Try Kayla Itsines’ Posture Workout If You Have Office Job

Sitting at a desk for eight hours a day can have an extremely negative impact on your posture. Fitness influencer Kayla Itsines is aware of the toll that office jobs can take on people, and that’s why she came up with an amazing posture workout.

Itsines listed several benefits of having a good posture, such as reduced back pain, reduced headaches, increased energy levels, less strain and fatigue on your ligaments and muscles, and better form in general.

Her posture workout consists of child’s pose stretches, arm and leg extension, single-leg glute bridges, scapular push-ups, and alternating Superman moves. She demonstrates how to perform each move in her workout video while specifying how many reps you should do for each.

The famous fitness influencer recommends doing a total of three rounds so you would reap the benefits of this workout. She created this routine with people who do office jobs in mind, but everyone who’s trying to improve their posture can give it a try.