These Common Office Job Habits are Ruining Your Posture

Doing an office job can be extremely bad for your posture and even more people are dealing with this problem as working from home becomes a new normal. Here are a couple of common things that you’re probably doing that are really bad for your posture.

Bad Sitting Habits

The way you sit is the most common cause of bad posture. The main thing that should be avoided is slouching on your chair because it may lead to muscle tension and back pain. Your feet should be flat on the floor, with your hips directly below your shoulders. Also, make sure to adjust the monitor at eye level so you wouldn’t have to look down when typing.

Hunching Back

Speaking of looking down, many of us tend to do it on a regular basis—not only when looking at our monitors, but our phones, as well. Hunching back is a common problem we all face, and it’s important to try eradicating this habit by holding our phones up at eye level.

Not Taking Breaks

Having a desk job doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be sitting for hours on end. It’s important to take regular breaks and use them to stretch and walk around. In addition to being good for your body, these tiny breaks will allow you to rest your mind and increase efficiency.