Turn Your Office Job Into a Workout With These Three Pieces of Equipment

Desk jobs can take a toll on your physical health because they force you to sit for eight hours on a daily basis. Working from home is equally challenging, and here’s a couple of exercise machines you can use to turn your office job into a workout.

Balance Ball Chair

Balance ball chairs are one of the most popular pieces of equipment for people with an office job. They’re often used as a healthy alternative to standard office seating because they force your core muscles to work harder to keep the balance.

Desk Treadmill

Many people with a desk job swear by standing desks with a matching treadmill, because they allow you to get a mini-workout during office hours. Keep in mind you don’t have to walk on your treadmill all day long, but you can squeeze in a workout during your Zoom meetings.

Desk Bike

Desk bikes are also experiencing a huge boom in popularity, and they can give you a great low-impact workout. To make the whole thing even better, you can continue working on your assignments along the way thanks to the adjustable desk counter surface.