Tips For Increasing the Intensity of Bodyweight Exercises

While working out at home, we’ve become used to bodyweight exercises. But, over time our body has adapted and the exercises have gotten to easy. Besides for adding more repetitions to each set or increasing the sets or decreasing the amount of rest you take, how can you up the intensity?

Use Isometrics

Isometric exercises involve holding a static position for a set period of time. They include planks and wall sits and you can add them to any exercise to make it more challenging. Perform several reps of a movement and when you start to feel tired, hold the movement in the mid-range for 10-30 seconds.

Change the Angle

Adjusting your body position can change how much bodyweight your muscles are responsible for moving during an exercise. For pushups, increase the load on your chest by performing your reps with your feet elevated on a chair behind you or if you’re doing inverted rows, perform them from a lower anchor point so your body is closer to the floor.

Use Compound Sets

For bodyweight workouts, get a faster burn by combining two exercises back-to-back that work the same muscles group. You can do squats and then imminently do lunges.

Add Explosiveness

By introducing a plyometric element, you’re making things harder. For squats, add a jump or for push-ups, drive your body off the ground quicker.

Decrease Stability

When you’re off balance, you have to use stabilizer muscles to complete an exercise which requires more core strength. You can try to put your feet closer together while doing squats or lunges or lift one leg for pushups, planks, and deadlifts. Or you could try doing single-leg deadlifts, single-leg hip bridges, or single-arm pushups.