3 Alternative Shoulder Presses For Upper Body Definition and Tone

Shoulder presses are one of the most important exercises to get right if you want to increase your upper body strength. It will build strong and lean shoulders and give you more strength to carry out other exercises such as; pull-ups, push-ups, and handstands. Making sure you have the basic technique correct is important and from this point, you can start trying out different variations to make your upper body workouts more interesting.

For the basic press, stand with a dumbbell in each hand at ear level, with your elbows bent at 90 degrees and palms facing forward. Straighten your arms and press the dumbbells straight up and then return to your start position. This press works on your shoulders, traps, triceps, and rotator cuff muscles. Here are a few variations for you to try.

Dumbbell Floor Seated Shoulder Press

Sit on the floor with your back straight, core engaged, and your legs out straight in front of you at 45 degrees. Place the dumbbells in both hands and positioned under your chin. Press upwards over your head and lock your elbows, without moving your posture. Return to start and repeat.

Dumbbell Thrusters

Stand hip-width apart and sit in a deep squat holding the dumbbells by your shoulder. Straighten your legs at the same time as pressing the weight up towards the ceiling. Keep your core engaged for this movement.

Single Arm Press

Hold a dumbbell in one hand in front of your shoulder with the elbow bent, thumb touching the shoulder, and the palm facing forward. Engage the core and press the weight up above the head. Return to start and swap sides.