Shin splints refer to pain along the shin bone which mostly affects runners, dancers, and people in the military. Shin splints are related to overuse and can be very frustrating if you’re trying to ramp up your fitness regime or training for an event.
If you have shin splints, it’s recommended to rest for at least 2 weeks or until the pain subsides before resuming your exercise routine.
Here are a few common causes of shin splints and what you can do to reduce your risk.
Sudden Increase in Activity
Shin splints often occur when you suddenly increase your fitness activity, whether in intensity, duration, or the number of times you train per week. To avoid this, build up your fitness routine slowly, and alternate high-impact exercises like running with low-impact ones such as swimming or cycling.
Wearing Bad Running Shoes
Your running shoes can have a huge impact on the health of your muscles and joints, including causing shin splints. Choose high-quality shoes which offer ample support, and be sure to replace your running shoes every 300 to 500 miles.
Flat Feet
Unfortunately, folks with flat feet have a higher risk of shin splints. To combat this, consider investing in orthotic insoles or arch supports to help support your foot. You can also try foot, leg, and ankle exercises to help strengthen and stabilize the muscles around your shin.