3 Lesser-Known Benefits of Chewing Gum

Photo by Youngafrikanna

Of all of the different wellness practices promoted on social media, you may be surprised to discover that there are actually several benefits to one seemingly small habit you may already do—chewing gum. Chewing gum isn’t just for keeping your breath fresh—it also offers a range of positive effects from improved oral health to reduced stress levels. If you’re looking for simple practices to improve your daily wellness routine, read on to learn more about some ways gum can benefit your health.

Improved Oral Health

Chewing sugar-free gum stimulates saliva production, which helps to neutralize acids and wash away food particles that can contribute to tooth decay and cavities over time. Additionally, the increased saliva flow can promote the remineralization of tooth enamel.

Increased Focus & Memory

The act of chewing increases blood flow to the brain, leading to enhanced focus and memory retention. Some studies have shown that chewing gum can also improve reaction time and even boost test scores. If you’ve got a big test or presentation coming up, try chewing gum while you study and see if it makes a difference.

Stress Relief

Like fidgeting or squeezing a stress ball, the repetitive motion of chewing gum can have a calming effect and help to reduce anxiety and tension. It can also serve as a healthy replacement for other more harmful habits such as nail biting or smoking.