4 Reasons It’s Harder to Sleep During the Summer

Do you have more trouble falling asleep during the summer than in the winter? It’s hard to fall asleep when it’s warm outside and the sun sets later. If you’ve ever wondered why you sleep less in the summer and how to improve your sleep during the warmer months, continue reading.

Summer Vacation

During your summer vacation, you want to take advantage of every possible moment in the day and while you do, you’re also sacrificing how much sleep you’re getting. Waking up to see the sunset and watching the stars late at night throws off your sleep, especially if you’re in a different time zone. If possible, try and maintain your normal sleep schedule while on vacation as it will make it easier to get back to your daily life when you return home.

Hot Temperatures

Drifting into REM sleep is much harder when you’re hot and it’s hard to get to sleep when you’re too warm. So, turn down the air conditioning before you head to bed and switch to lighter blankets.

Moving the Clock

If you’re used to heading to bed early, you may be going to sleep before the sun sets and the longer days can impact your circadian rhythm making it difficult to fall asleep or waking up throughout the night. Right before the clock shifts to daylight savings time, change you bedtime and wake time to a half hour earlier to make the shift easier.

Seasonal Allergies

While it’s absolutely beautiful outside with all the flowers, the spring and summer also brings on seasonal allergies. Allergies can make it difficult to sleep and breath well throughout the night. Speak to your doctor about allergy medication or make some changes like sleeping with the window closed to alleviate your symptoms.