4 Ways to Avoid Home Workout Boredom

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Due to most gym and fitness studios being closed many people have started working out a home. While, at first it may seem new and exciting, home workouts can quickly become boring. Here are some tips to help switch it up.

Video Workouts and Streaming

There are tons of streaming fitness studios and video workouts available online and many trainers are offering free workouts on their social media channels. Mix it up with different instructors and exercises to keep things interesting.

Keep Progressing

Make sure you keep making things harder and you become fit. You can add a circuit to your workout or try going from regular to inclined pushups. Keeping it challenging will help entertain you.

Reward Yourself

Make some goals, like completing three 30-minute workouts a week and write them down. Then think of rewards for completing your goals like getting a new book or watching an episode of TV. Each week make some new goals and incentives to keep it exciting.

Set a Non-Body Goal

Setting body goals is good, but they’re not always super motivating. Instead try setting goals like having more energy, correcting posture, or better movement patterns.