5 Simple Tips For Eating Healthier

Dieting requires major lifestyle changes, and clean eating is much more sustainable for longer periods of time. Clean eating doesn’t require huge changes, it just involves swapping some foods for healthier alternatives, many of which are actually tastier! Here are five ways to eat healthier without feeling like you’re missing out.

Swap Refined Sugar For Honey

Refined sugars found in artificial sweeteners, soda, and processed foods, have been linked to all sorts of health problems including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. Flavored yogurts, cereal, baked goods, cured meats, and sweetened coffee drinks are high in refined sugars. Instead, use honey, which is a natural source of sugar that won’t raise your blood sugar too quickly.

Swap Carbohydrates For Vegetables

There are two types of carbs, simple and complex. Simple carbs come from natural sources like vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and potatoes and they’re good for you. Complex carbs come from processed foods like white rice, pasta, and white bread and they’re empty calories. Instead, eat more veggies and try making vegetable noodles instead of pasta.

Swap Dairy For Plant Based

Besides for the fact that many people have a hard time digesting dairy or have allergic reactions to it, it’s easy to over eat it and it’s high in saturated fats. Try going plant-based for your dairy needs.

Swap Fried Foods For Grilled

Fried foods taste amazing, but if you eat them too often, they’ll have negative effects on your health like causing obesity, raising your bad cholesterol, and putting you at risk for a stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Try grilling your meats and vegetables instead of frying them in hydrogenated oils.

Swap Processed Foods For Fresh

Processed foods contain tons of additives like sugar, sodium, and ingredients which are hard to pronounce. Stick with fresh foods like fruits or meats.