Amazing Burpee Alternatives That You Should Try ASAP

Jumping jacks
Image via SimpleFoto/Depositphotos

Burpees are one of the most popular full-body exercises on the market, but it’s no secret that they’re extremely difficult. They’re basically a plank, push-up, and squat wrapped into one—and that’s why some people like to avoid them at all costs. If you happen to be one of them, here are some amazing alternatives that you should do instead.

Jumping Jacks

Burpees usually end with a jump and if this happens to be the only part of this exercise that you love, you should consider doing jumping jacks instead.

Jumping Rope

Rope jumping is a great replacement for burpees because it’s a full-body workout that requires a full range of movements, but it just happens to be much more fun.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers don’t include as many moving parts as burpees, but that’s not stopping them from being an amazing full-body exercise. They can do wonders for your abs and legs, just like burpees.

Plank Variations

Planks are an essential part of each burpee and they usually come between the squat and the pushup. If you want to scale down on jumping and squatting, only doing planks is also an option. There are so many variations on the market that it’s easy to replace burpees with them.