Bad Sleeping Habits Are Sabotaging Your Workout Motivation

How sleep affects workouts
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Our fitness motivation can be impacted by many different factors, and our sleeping patterns can be one of them. If you don’t have good sleeping habits, your workout performance can suffer in the long run, and here are some common habits that may be sabotaging your fitness motivation.

Getting Up Late

If you enjoy sleeping in and getting up late every day, you’ll struggle to stay consistent with your workouts. Many gym experts swear by working out first thing in the morning, and it’s difficult to work out early if you enjoy sleeping until late.

Working Out Before Bed

Working out right before you go to sleep also isn’t a good idea, and it can badly reflect on both your motivation and performance. You’ll be too tired to give it your all at the gym after a long day, and you might be even tempted to skip it and just go to sleep instead of working out.

Lack of Sleep

Poor sleep can also negatively impact your workouts because your sessions will be difficult to handle if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep. Lack of motivation won’t even be the biggest problem you’re dealing with—your workout recovery will be compromised because you’re not getting enough sleep for muscles to restock their energy stores.