There are days when we don’t feel that flexible and able to perform basic exercises. Luckily, there are plenty of exercises that you can do just by standing up. You can do these three moves at home while watching TV or while during a break at work.
Standing Bicycle
Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands clasped behind your head and elbows pointed out to sides. Straighten your left leg as you lift your right leg, knee bent, thigh parallel to the floor. Keeping the knee lifted and steady and twist the torso toward the right. Return to start. Repeat on the other side for one rep. Do 10 reps.
Side Reach
Stand with your feet together, holding the ends of one dumbbell with both hands, arms extended overhead. Slowly lean to the left and hold for one count. Return to start. Repeat on the right side to complete one rep. Do 10 reps.
Forward Bend
Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms overhead with palms facing in. Lift your right leg, knee bent, thigh parallel to the floor. Keeping the knee lifted and arms raised, bring your torso and knee toward each other as close as you can. Return to start, switch sides and repeat for one rep. Do 10 reps.