Can Eating Nuts Prevent Gaining Weight?

According to new research, eating nuts on a regular basis can help prevent weight gain and lower the risk of obesity. Given that nuts are calorie-dense, this is a relatively surprising finding.

The idea is that nuts help you feel full longer and crave junk food less, which leads to weight loss or prevents weight gain in the long-term. The researchers examined the diet data of over 280,000 adults who participated in three long-term studies. The results were derived from over 20 years of monitoring the participants and asking them about their weight changes and nut-eating habits.

What they found is that eating nuts regularly correlates with not gaining weight over time and a lower risk of obesity. The difference between those who ate nuts regularly and those who only ate them occasionally was that the former typically gained half a pound less per year than the latter, which can definitely add up over the years.

Nuts contain plenty of healthy fats and are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet. As long as you don’t eat too much of them, you can reap many health benefits.