Great Arm Exercises You Can Do With Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are one of those gym essentials that automatically make every workout super-fun. They are also a great option if you’re trying to tone your arms, and these three exercises are a good place to start.

Bicep Curl

This is the easiest exercise you can possibly do with resistance bands, but that doesn’t stop it from being pretty beneficial. All you have to do is place the band under your feet while standing hip-width apart, pick up the handles and curl them up to shoulder weight.

Lateral Raises

Starting position for this exercise is the same as the one for bicep curl, but there’s one main difference. You should be raising your arms out to the side, to give your shoulders an amazing workout.

Upright Row

This variation requires you to bend your elbows out to the sides while pulling them up to chest height. Crossing the resistance band may lead to a better workout since it can help you engage your core even more.