Have You Tried Running in the Rain?

Running in the rain
Photo by Malik Skydsgaard on Unsplash

Has the rain ruined your plans to go running? Well, it turns out it doesn’t have to. You don’t have to wait for the rain to go away. Instead of bringing your workout inside, take advantage of the weather and go for that run! Here are five reasons you should give it a try.

Run Faster

Warmer temperatures can negatively impact your performance and the hotter it is outside, the more you need to sweat to cool off. But when it rains, the temperatures cool off and it’s easier to run faster.

Deal With Adversity

There’s no challenge when running on a sunny day, but when it rains there are factors you can’t control. That’s where the challenge comes in.

Relieve Stress

The sound of rain is so relaxing and as long as there aren’t thunderstorms or downpours, it’s safe to run outside in the rain.

Boost Confidence

When it rains, most people stay inside, making it pretty deserted. This is when you can build up your running confidence because no one will be watching.

Burn More Fat

If the rain is cold enough, your body has to work hard to stay warm, which increases your metabolic rate after adaptation, and ends up burning more fat while exercising.