Healthier Alternatives to Halloween Candy

Halloween Candy
Photo by Sebbi Strauch on Unsplash

Halloween may be all about ghouls and gremlins, but everyone knows that candy is the real MVP of Spooky Season! Unfortunately, most candies are laden with high amounts of sugar, preservatives, and other things which your body would appreciate not being exposed to. 

As trick or treating is a huge part of the fun, here are some healthier options to keep with tradition. 

Homemade Chocolate Turtles

Sweet, salty, and crunchy is a winning combination, so no wonder that Turtles have been around for more than 100 years! Use pitted dates, dark chocolate, pecans, and sea salt to make your own version which features less sugar and added fiber from the dates.

Peanut Butter Balls

You won’t be able to stop at just one of these peanut butter balls! Peanuts already pack a ton of good fats, so throw in some protein powder, and you’ve got a sweet treat to keep you going for hours.

Sweet and Sour Grapes

Not everyone likes it sweet. If tart is more your taste, you’ll love this dupe for Sour Patch candy. Use whichever sweetener you prefer to roll the grapes in, and as much lime juice as you can handle!