Here’s Why Your Weight Flunctates from Day to Day

Image by Vidmir Raic from Pixabay

When you’re trying to get in shape, it’s normal to want to track your progress by stepping on the scale a few times a day. But you should know that weight fluctuates and just because the number is going up and down from day to day, it doesn’t mean you still aren’t on track to reach your goals. Here’s why your weight is constantly changing.

Why Does Weight Fluctuate?

The changes you see on the number on the scale from day to day are most likely due to water. As long as you’re eating healthily and exercising, water retention is usually what changes the number on the scale. Factors that influence your body’s water composition are eating, drinking, urinating, having a bowel movement, and exercising. Period weight gain is also normal—your weight fluctuates based on your time of the month.

Some things that can lead to weight gain are alcohol, medications, and health conditions.

How to Track Progress

For some people using a scale every day can help them make better health choices throughout the day, but for others, it can make them obsessive over numbers and it can even derail their progress and negatively affect their mental health. If you fall in the latter category, it may be best to find other ways to track your progress.

A better way to keep track of if you’re meeting your goals is to weigh yourself only once a week and to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. Other ways to track your progress besides for a scale are checking your body composition or seeing the way your clothing fits you.