How to Handle Holiday Anxiety

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Studies have shown that anxiety levels tend to spike during the holidays. Sure, cooking can be one contributor to stress (particularly if you’re not adept in the kitchen), but anxiety is typically due to family dynamics. 

For those without family, the festive season can feel especially lonely and triggering. As for those who will be spending time with relatives, this can feel extremely anxiety-provoking if one does not get on well or certain family members do not gel with each other. If you will be in the company of family these holidays and are dreading the experience, here are some tips to keep you grounded.

Gift of the Gab

Hate small talk? You’re not the only one. Unfortunately, gatherings during this time of year tend to be riddled with superficial discussions and questions about what you’re doing with your life and why you’re still single. Think of some topics you would actually like to discuss and keep them at hand to direct the conversation. 

The Deflection Play

Have some things you’d rather not discuss but are expecting people to ask about anyway? Deflect. A good strategy is to ask questions and get the other person to talk about themselves (which people usually love doing).

Stay Present

When it all gets a little too overwhelming, try and focus on the present moment. Deep breathing may help, as will reminding yourself of things that are in your control or that you feel good about. You got this!