How to Nail the Perfect Deadlift Form

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Deadlifts are one of the most effective compound resistance exercises that you can possibly do, but they are also kind of tricky to perfect. And deadlifts are definitely one exercise that you don’t want to do if your form isn’t totally on point. So to help you out, here are a few tips for how to get flawless deadlift form.

Keep Your Back Muscles Engaged

While deadlifts are mostly a lower body workout, you still have to keep your back muscles engaged in order to make sure that your shoulders don’t just round forward, potentially causing injuries. Think of squeezing your shoulder blades together to engage your lats.

Brace Your Core

To help stabilize your spine in a straight line while you deadlift, you’ll need to brace your core muscles. You can do so by taking a deep breath, filling your belly with air, and tightening your entire midsection before you lift.

Take Your Time

Deadlifts are a serious lift and shouldn’t be rushed. Do your best to think of each rep as its own separate lift, and take the time to check in and get your form right for each one.