How to Transition From Treadmill to Outdoor Running

From treadmill to outdoors
Photo by Ryan De Hamer on Unsplash

Working out on a treadmill and running outside is not the same thing, which is why you should make certain adjustments when heading outdoors. Here are some tips that’ll help you safely transition from treadmill to outdoor workouts.

Avoid Concrete

Running on the concrete the first thing you go outside will probably be hard on your joints, so try to avoid this and stick to trail or grass for a week or two.

Good Breathing Technique

Proper breathing technique is extremely important for running and people who are used to running on a treadmill will most likely need some time to adjust and learn how to breathe.

Shorten Your Distance

Running outdoors is much harder for your body and muscles so make sure to take baby steps and take time to adjust to new conditions. That’s why it’s best to shorten your distance at first or to alternate between running and walking.

Safety First

Now that you’re running outside you have to think about your safety as well. Make sure to bring your phone, be careful of traffic, and obey traffic rules, and it would also be best to leave your headphones at home.