Fight Knee Pain With These 4 Easy Exercises

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After your body went through excruciating pain, working out is the last thing on your mind, but certain exercises can actually help your body heal faster. If your knees are the ones giving you trouble, you can relieve the pain with four easy moves. They will strengthen the muscles that support your knee and keep them flexible.

Leg Raises

No matter which type of leg raises you pick, they’ll be very effective at chasing away your pain. This exercise puts little to no strain on your knee and does an amazing job at strengthening the quadriceps.

Hamstring Stretch

Hamstrings are the muscles along the back of your thigh, and they can be a common source of knee pain. That’s why exercises like hamstring stretches and curls can come in handy when you’re trying to get rid of it.

Calf stretch

Strengthening and lengthening calf muscles helps support the back of the knee. You can achieve this goal with calf stretches and raises, but it’s important to avoid hyperextending the knee while you do them.


It’s crucial to keep away from deep bending when you’re experiencing knee pain. That’s why doing squats isn’t recommended, but certain variations can lead to desired results. Partial squats can strengthen your thighs and gluteus, without causing damage to your knees.