Signs That Your Fitness Program Isn’t Working

Push Up alternatives
Photo by Gordon Cowie on Unsplash

After months of working hard at the gym, you’re probably wondering if your fitness program is actually working or not. There are many ways to measure fitness success, but here are a few sure signs that your workout program is not actually working.

You’re Never Sore

It’s completely normal to experience muscle soreness the day after a workout, and not just at the beginning of your workout program. If you’re never sore that probably means you’re not pushing yourself too hard, and it’s time to switch up your workout routine.

Your Reps Haven’t Changed

The number of reps you can do in a set should increase every few weeks if you want to build strength and muscles, and that’s a sure sign you’re making some progress.

You’re Not Seeing Results

If you’re working out regularly and not seeing any results, chances are that your training program is not effective. After only a month of training, you should be able to notice changes in your mood, strength, measurements or weight if the program is in fact working.

Frequent Injuries

Even though it’s completely normal to feel sore every once in a while, extreme pain and frequent injuries are definitely signs that you’re pushing yourself too hard or need to improve your form.