The 5 Biggest Online Workout Mistakes to Avoid

Even though gyms across the country are starting to reopen, online workouts have been more popular than ever before and they’re the best way to protect you from getting the coronavirus while still making sure you stay active. There are tons of streaming classes and workout videos to choose between and to get the most out of them, it’s important to do them correctly. These are the five most common online workout mistakes to avoid.

Turning Off Your Camera

For live classes, remember to keep your camera on so the trainer can see you. It will also help you push yourself harder and your trainer can correct your form if you’re doing something wrong.

Not Accounting For Your Fitness Level

Online workouts are geared towards people at an intermediate level, so if you’re a beginner, take things down a bit or if the class is live, ask for modifications before the workout begins. If you’re advanced, ask the trainer for harder options or add weights to make the workout more difficult.

Choosing High-Intensity Workouts

Yes, we love a good burn, but only doing high-intensity workouts won’t allow your body to recover. Keep high-intensity workouts to two times per week and add in lower-impact training.

Only Doing Cardio

Cardio will get your heart going, but you need to also incorporate strength training to keep your muscles and joints strong. If you’re hesitant to use weights on your own, do some bodyweight training.

Leaving Before the Workout is Finished

Stay with the workout until the end including the final stretch or meditation as they can aid in recovery and help you transition back into your day.