Exercising has always been popular in modern society, but it’s gotten especially trendy over the last decade or so. As the workout trend as grown in popularity, so has the various types of workouts you can engage in. For instance, it’s gotten quite popular for aspiring gymrats to work on their core—and for good instance. Your core is one of the best things you can choose to work on, and this particular exercise is arguably the best one for enhancing it.
Planks grew in popular around a decade ago, which is also around the time that it became super trendy to work on your core. This is no coincidence. Planks are one of the most versatile and effective ways to work on your core, and the best part is that it’s super easy for beginners to get into.
The exercise engages your entire core, from the obliques to the transverse abdominis to the rectus abdominis. It’s a very slow-burning exercise, one that doesn’t seem to hurt at first, until you really stick at it long enough.
To do a plank, simply plop down onto the ground as if in a push-up position, and put all of your weight onto your forearms and toes. Keep your body in a straight line and continue to hold it out for as long as possible. This is the most basic version of how to do a plank, but bear in mind that there a handful of other plank varieties you can try out.
As we mentioned, the great thing about planking—other than how it greatly enhances your core—is how simply it is for beginners to get into. It’s not like a pull-up or even a push-up. It’s very easy to start, and as long as you stick to it, your core will thank you down the line.