There’s So Much More Than Box Jumps That You Can Do With a Plyo Box

When it comes to plyometric exercises, burpees and box jumps are the most well-known ones. But, if you’re over box jumps or are afraid to get started with them, there’s so much more you can do with a plyo box. Plyo boxes build power by requiring your working muscles to stretch and contract at fast speeds. Here are just a few of the exercises in addition to box jumps that you can do with plyo boxes.

Triceps Dip with Knee Tuck

If you know how to do a tricep dip, this exercise is the same thing, but instead, it uses a box and incorporates a knee tuck. To get in the starting position, face away from the box with your hands gripping the edge of the box closest to you. Your arms should be straight with your legs extended out in front of the box with your butt a few inches in front of your fingers and your feet flexed. While engaging your core, bend your elbows straight back to lower your torso until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Bend your knees to lower your butt toward the floor and press through your hands to return to the starting position, then drive your knees toward your chest. Extend your legs back to the floor and repeat.

Box Over

This exercise will work your shoulders, chest, core, and legs. Start by standing with your feet under your hips next to the box, bent forward to place both hands on top of it. Press through your hands, bracing through your core, and kicking your feet up and back towards your glutes, while hopping your body to the other side of the box. Then reverse the movement and do it on the other side.

Step-Up to Reverse Lunge

Face the box with your hands by your sides and bring your right foot up flat onto the box, while engaging your core and pushing through your right heel to lift yourself into the air. When your right leg extends straight, drive your left knee up toward your chest. Reverse the motion and return your left foot back to the starting position, then step it back behind your body and get into a lunge. Press through the left foot to return to standing. Now repeat until you reach the reps you want.