This is Why You Shouldn’t Only be Having Coffee in the Morning

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Tell us if this sounds like you. You wake up, get ready, make a cup of coffee, and down it before dashing out of the house. Or perhaps brewing is not your thing and you prefer to pick up a barista-quality cup on your way to work. What both scenarios have in common is that it involves having coffee for breakfast — and nothing else.

Coffee is Not a Meal Replacement

Yes, coffee can be a good thing. Caffeine gives us an energy spurt, it’s full of antioxidants, and some people say it helps keep them regular. But what it is not, is a meal. Having coffee on an empty stomach can make you feel its caffeinated effects quicker, but it adds very little nutrients to your diet. Not the ideal way to start a day. Breakfast should consist of protein, healthy fat, and high-fiber carbs to keep your blood sugar, energy, and productivity levels steady.

Coffee Can Make You Anxious

Coffee can also hike up your anxiety levels if there is nothing in your system to balance it out. We are definitely not telling you not to have a cuppa Joe in the morning. All we are saying is, please don’t let it be the only thing you’re having in the morning.