Working out regularly is difficult; it requires a lot of time and dedication and that’s why many people decide to give up eventually. You should know that giving up on exercise is not the end of the world, but we can offer you a few good tips on how to revive your workout plan and to keep on exercising.
When you start working out only to lose weight or because you’re “supposed to” exercise, chances are that you’re going to be discouraged pretty soon. Try to change you’re motivation and base it on something positive, like the fact that working out is going to make you feel better and you’ll have fun while doing it.
Creating a realistic schedule is crucial if you want to get back into a routine. You’re more likely to stick to your workout routine if it’s planned ahead of time, but make sure your plans are realistic in order to avoid disappointments at the very beginning.
Maybe there’s a good reason why you gave up on exercising before. If gym, yoga classes, or running wasn’t working for you, there are plenty of fun options to choose from. Take this as a great opportunity to explore other sports and to meet new people.