We are LOVING Mindy Hatch’s Deep Core Workouts

If you’re a woman looking for some fitness motivation, Mindy, or @mindymhatch on Instagram, might be perfect for you! She keeps it real with a balance of workout inspiration, real-life updates, body positivity, and more! One of our favorite parts of her account, though, are her workout posts.

She discusses the importance of focusing on your deep core during workouts, highlighting that it benefits the rest of your fitness experiences. She especially loves “functional core” workouts, because they help with everyday movements. These everyday movements can be anything from walking to correcting posture, to stabilizing your body to prevent injury. Having a strong core also helps with stabilizing your body during heavy weightlifting, preventing injury to the spine or elsewhere.

These functional, deep-core workouts aren’t boring either! She has so many reels to share ideas for how to spice up your core exercises so that you don’t want to skip them. She has a lot of unique moves—some of them dynamic and compound moves to keep your whole body moving. Some of these workouts are purely bodyweight exercises and others require a dumbbell. Because of the diversity in workouts and equipment needed, you’re sure to find a deep core workout from Mindy that suits your style and needs best!