What You Should Know Before Joining a Roller Derby Team

Roller derby tips
Photo by Susan Weber on Unsplash

Did you just buy a cool new pair of roller skates or watch Whip It for the first time and decide that your newest adventure in life is to join a roller derby team? Well, congratulations, because joining a roller derby team is one of the best things you can do for yourself, helping you meet new friends, get exercise, and build confidence. So before you go to your first practice, here are some things you should know.

It’s a Process

To play roller derby, first you have to learn how to roller skate, and then you have to learn how to play the sport of roller derby. And all of this will take time, energy, and lots and lots of failure before you start to get good. But trust the process, because practice really does make perfect. The more time you spend on your skates, the better you’ll be, and it won’t take too long before you’re just as good as those veterans on your team you’ve been admiring.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Anybody Else

Everybody goes into roller derby with various levels of sports experience, fitness, and skating background. So of course your process of learning is going to be completely different from somebody else’s. Do yourself a favor and don’t even start making comparisons between you and other people. There’s no use.

Be Brave

Roller derby involves falling. It involves hitting. It involves aggression. And all of that is super cool, even if it’s a little bit intimidating at first. Just take a breath and have some self-confidence. You’ll be just fine.