What’s Better for Getting in Shape: HIIT or Incline Walking?

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

When you’re trying to get into shape, finding exercises that work better than others is challenging. Two of our favorite cardio ones are high-intensity interval training (HIIT) walking and incline walking, which are both more challenging walking exercises that increase calorie burn. So, which one is better for helping you get into shape?

HIIT Walking

HIIT walking involves faster-paced, intense burst of walking (work periods) mixed in with rest periods. HIIT walking can help build muscle and burn calories in a shorter period of time. These workouts can be adjusted to fit your fitness level by increasing or decreasing the work periods. You can also add resistance by switching up your terrain between flat surfaces, hills, and sand.

Incline Walking

Incline walking involves hills and it works your hamstrings and glutes while increasing your heart rate and calorie burn. Incline walking includes going up and downhill and walking downhill puts a lot of strain on your muscles and joints. Exercises like squats and lunges can make your muscles stronger for this type of walking.

Which is Better?

With HIIT walking, you’re getting a big calorie burn in a short period of time. But with this type of exercise, it’s important not to overstrain and to have a low-intensity exercise day between HIIT days. Incline walking is also great for calorie burn, but it can be hard on the joints, making it better for those who don’t have pre-existing knee issues.