Why Keeping a Fitness Journal Can Help You Get in Shape

Fitness journal
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

In case you’re having trouble sticking to your workout routine or achieving your fitness goals, keeping a fitness journal may help you solve this problem. Check out a few great reasons why logging your workouts can be beneficial!

Make a Schedule

People who have trouble sticking to their workout routine can really benefit from keeping a fitness journal. Scheduling workouts like any other appointment is a great trick that can help busy people fit exercise into a schedule.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting short term and long term goals is a great way to motivate yourself to exercise regularly and track your progress over time. The main purpose of keeping a fitness journal is writing down realistic fitness goals and evaluating your progress from time to time.


A fitness journal can help you keep track of your body weight, time, distance, daily steps, and many other things. These numbers will help you keep track of your progress and feel great once you start seeing the results of your workout routine after a couple of months.

Avoid Mistakes

If you’re not seeing results from your workouts or diet or if you suddenly hit a plateau, a fitness journal can easily help you find and eliminate mistakes in your routine.