Working Out at the Gym Vs Home

Working out at home and working out at the gym are two completely different worlds. At the gym, things are slightly different and since it’s a public space we’re more concentrated on our own goals. At home, we’re free to flail our arms as high as we want and sweat profusely while crawling to our kitchens for a glass of water.

There are pros and cons for exercising in both places, but hopefully with a little balance – trying out different venues will help you decide which works best for you.

Gym: Equipment Variety

In the gym, there’s a variety of equipment to choose from to boost your workout. Try your luck at the treadmill or maybe the exercise bike for some warm-up cardio. Gyms also have rowing machines to work on your back and arm muscles. With the variety of equipment choices – it’ll be a great chance to work on every muscle group in your body.

Gym: Increased Motivation With a Price

Since you’ll be surrounded by people pumping iron, or running on the treadmill working on their cardio – you’ll probably be inspired to do the same. One of the downsides is having to pay membership – some places might be costly, but there are also cheap gyms available with more or less the same amenities.

Home: Freedom

Exercising at home is always the easiest and most convenient way to exercise. After all, we’re most comfortable in the comforts of our own living room. Feel free to exercise as much as you want (or as little as you want) with no one watching! Except maybe your dog.

Home: Abundance of Exercise Videos, But Lack of Equipment

Since there’s Youtube, choosing your own home workout is as easy as pouring cereal into a bowl. Are you looking for an intense cardio workout? There are a ton of videos on Youtube at your disposal.

The only downside of working out at home is buying your own equipment and the fact that it isn’t as well equipped as a gym.