2 Unbelievable Diet Rules Confirmed By Science

The internet is full of information about everything and anything, dieting and weight loss being among the hottest topics everyone writes about. That’s why it’s not easy to know who to trust and which sources are reliable. Here are two diet rules that sound unbelievable and they are actually backed by science!

Skipping Breakfast

Some people claim you should never ever skip breakfast, while others disagree and even go for one meal per day at some point later in the day. The confusion comes from the fact that a good breakfast doesn’t guarantee you’ll eat healthy throughout the day. In fact, timing may be the least important thing in your diet. You can eat when you’re hungry, but it’s more important what you eat and how many calories you take in every day.

Carbs Aren’t Evil

Because of the times we live in, many people believe that carbs equal processed foods and foods high in sugar. That’s how carbs get their bad reputation, when in reality they’re just as important for our health and functioning as fats and protein. Carbs are your brain’s preferred fuel, but you should choose complex carbs that can be found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, etc.