3 Benefits of Exercising During Your Time of Month

Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels

There’s no reason to stop exercising just because you’re on your period. In fact, light exercise during this sensitive period comes with some great benefits.

Reduced PMS Symptoms

If the days leading up to your period are the worst time of the month, you can reduce the symptoms with exercise. Even walking helps, but any aerobic exercise will do the trick. Just listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard—the goal is to feel better, not worse.

Endorphin Rush

The best way to make yourself feel better when the period cramps feel is to become active. Working out can elevate your mood and make you happier. As Brandon Marcello, Ph.D. told Healthline, the endorphin release is one of the main benefits of exercise during the period. He explains that endorphins are a natural painkiller which is why they help with those uncomfortable feelings.

Feel Stronger

There’s a study that found that you’re able to achieve greater strength gains if you exercise during the first two weeks of your cycle (starting from the first day of your period). This can be useful info for those who want to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time.