3 Easy-To Make Healthy, Oven-Free Breakfasts

Cooking can be very fun, but let us be honest, who loves to stay in front of the stove in the summer when the temperatures are high? That’s why we bring you three breakfast ideas that are quickly and easily done, and most importantly, they don’t need cooking and are great if you are watching your diet.

Cold Oatmeal

This dish requires preparation in advance, like the night before. Instead of using hot water, prepare your oatmeal by pouring it over yogurt. If you want, you can add a handful of walnuts, almonds, or hazelnuts and leave it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, add some of your favorite fresh fruits.

Toast With Soured Milk and Fruit

Take two slices of toast, and put a fine amount of sour milk over it. Finally, add raspberries on top – or some other fruit rich in antioxidants.


Take a fresh bun and put cream cheese onto it. Add finely chopped mango and a handful of fresh green salad. Put some thickly sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, then pour a few drops of olive oil, and voila, your breakfast is ready!