3 Forms of Exercise to Get Into This Winter

Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash

As the days get darker and colder with the beginning of winter, it can get harder to keep up with forms of exercise such as running, walking, and cycling. Thankfully, these indoor alternatives will keep you feeling fit without having to brave the cold.

Indoor Swimming

Many people have taken to wild swimming over the summertime for its physical and health benefits. However, it is hard to keep this up as the temperature drops. Joining a local swimming pool offers many of the benefits of wild swimming and can be enjoyed after work without having to worry about the sun going down.

Indoor Team Sports

There are a huge variety of indoor team sports you can get involved with this winter: handball, badminton doubles, and five-a-side football to name a few. These can bring exciting new social benefits as well as maintaining your fitness this winter.

Exercise Classes

Many gyms offer exercise classes such as Zumba and Pilates as part of their package. Lots of these classes can be a new form of exercise for many people and often will have a strong social element. Classes such as Zumba combine energetic music with an instructor leading vigorous movements. What’s not to love?