3 Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a powdery spice that’s best known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but it has many other health benefits that will make you want to add it to every meal you’re making! Here are three of them.

Reducing Inflammation

There’s no better spice to add to your meals if you want to fight inflammation. Turmeric has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and only one teaspoon per day is enough to quickly feel the benefits.

Cleaning Arteries

One study found that people who consumed curcumin extract (curcumin is the main ingredient of turmeric) every day had their levels of bad cholesterol reduced in 12 weeks. 

Lowering the Risk of Heart Disease

One amazing benefit of eating turmeric is that it can lower the risk of heart disease by reversing the steps in the heart disease process, according to this study. The main way it does that is by improving the endothelium (the lining of blood vessels) function.

The easiest way to use turmeric is to add it to the meals you’re cooking. You can sprinkle it over vegetables before roasting them or add it to soup, scrambled eggs, smoothies, or juices.