3 Reasons Why Rope Jumping is the Perfect Home Workout

Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

Finding a home workout that’s effective, fun, and quick sounds like a mission impossible. Luckily, rope jumping checks all of these boxes, and here are a couple of reasons why it should become your go-to home workout.

Full-Body Workout

Rope jumping is one of the best full-body workouts because it activates several muscle groups at the same time. It’s much more fun than some more popular but less effective workouts, so getting motivated won’t be such a huge problem.


If you can’t afford to go to the gym and don’t feel like paying for fancy online classes, rope jumping is your best option. Jumping ropes are super-cheap, and they’re your only investment since you can find a bunch of useful resources online.

Space Management

Jumping rope indoors can be tricky if you have a tiny apartment—and you’ll also be annoying your downstairs neighbors. If you have a garden or a big house, you won’t struggle to find space to do it. You can also use public spaces for your rope jumping sessions because it’s easy to maintain social distancing during these workouts.